[guide.chat] Sight Village!

  • From: "Jan" <j.jk.downes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "chat guide" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 22:06:57 +0100

Hello,I wonder if anyone will be going to the Sight Village? if so I wonder 
which day would be best to go on. I have been once before,and it was packed .I 
think that it is held at a different venue these days.
  I would like to go again,and I suppose that I can as Esther would come with 
me,Esther is my PA,and she has made a tremendous change to my life,as I can now 
say where I want to go instead of waiting,waiting,waiting until someone has the 
inclination   to help me.

I have much more control over my life,and what I need and want to do.

I obviously don't have the control that I once had when I could see,but Esther 
has made such a difference to my day to day living. I interviewed quiet a lot 
of potential PA's  and Esther was the last applicant to apply,and I am so 
pleased that I didn't take second best,and waited and persevered until the 
right person came along,all that applied,were good and kind,but Esther was the 

I am so pleased that it is working out really good for me,and hope that Esther 
is happy with our working relationship. 

Oh well,that's enough about me,hope that all is well with you,and that your day 
has been good,and free from toil and trouble.Do take care and look forward to 
hearing your experiences,if any at the past Sight Village's.

Kind thoughts from Jan.

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