[guide.chat] In Reply To: up date on Casper

  • From: "Jenny Mock" <r.mock356@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Guide Chat List" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 18:51:00 -0000

I bet the house felt empty for two days without Caspar  still I am pleased he 
is nearly back to his old self again and getting up to mischief again, we love 
our pets and so we like to share them with our friends and we are always 
interested to know about their welfare, those people who are not interested in 
pets won't understand how you felt but we all did and were there to comfort you 
when he was so sick as you said he could have died if you had not taken him to 
the vet, 
good on you Casper just keep going and we look forward to hearing about your 
pranks for a few more years to come,
Jenny M

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