[groupi] Re: GPSReader and SaveLib Code

  • From: Lorin Tauss <taussl01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: groupi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 19:23:59 +0800

I believe the GPSReaderLib is now working....... it compiles and runs on the
emulator, but I can't get the emulator to forward the com port properly. (if
you set the emulator to show a terminal window as well, then you can see the
text output from GPSTester).

We *really* need to test this on the device itself. Beau, do you have the
Archer now? I think we should borrow it from Eureka so we can make sure
everything works before doing the acceptance tests. Can we make an
appointment with them for this wednesday? (either for acceptance testing, or
just to show them how it's going?)



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