[groupi] Re: GPS Profiles

  • From: Beau <treppb01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: groupi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 13:53:27 +0800

Can you give me all the possible values i will need in these boxes please.


taussl01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

So the "new profile" and "edit profile" pages will be (exactly) the same.

They should let the user enter a profile name, and then they should give the user access to all the other serial port settings.... have a look in GPSReader.cs for these.

Basically, all of the setter methods (at the bottom of the file) that change the "gpsPort" object will need a value stored in the profile.

From memory, these are:
*Port name (which has to be one of the strings returned by the "getPortNames" method. Eg a drop-down combo box. *Baud rate. Choose from the common rates.... cant remember what these are. 2400, 4800, 9600 as a minimum. Eg a drop-down combo box. Default should be 4800.
    *Data bits. Integer text input. Default should be 8.
*Start bits. Integer text input. Default can be found in the gpsReader.init() method. *Stop bits. Integer text input. Default can be found in the gpsReader.init() method.
    *Handshaking. ???Drop down combo box. Default should be "none"
ummmm... there may be more. Check the get/set methods.



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