[greenbuild] Green Architecture - Design for Sustainable Living

  • From: Laurietodd@xxxxxxx
  • To: greenbuild@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 08:37:11 EDT

Hi everyone!

I created this document last year to provide a brief description of the kind=
of work I hope to do, since most people's response to the term "Green=20
Architecture" is: "huh?"

Todd Saddler

Green Architecture, or Design for Sustainable Living

My goal is to live a model sustainable lifestyle, and to earn my living=20
helping other people to create a built environment which is part of a=20
sustainable lifestyle.

By Sustainable Lifestyle I mean:=20
Living in such a way as to meet our needs while upholding the ability of=20
other people and creatures to meet their own needs now and in the future. =20

The needs I hope to address in my work are primarily: shelter, community,=20
food, energy, beauty, and comfort.

The ways I can help people create a built environment which is part of a=20
sustainable lifestyle are:
=B7 Providing information
=B7 Facilitating dialog, reflection and planning
=B7 Creating drawings to guide design and construction
=B7 Participating in construction

Some aspects of sustainable living which can be made more possible through=20
design are:
=B7 Materials used are part of a sustainable cycle - nothing is permanently=20
removed from use, contaminated with toxins, or obtained through the=20
destruction of the natural system which produces it.  Example - Sustainably=20
harvested wood.
=B7 Energy is harvested and used through systems that do not have a net=20
contribution to the greenhouse effect or pollution of air water and soil.=20
Examples - Passive solar heating, efficient electrical devices, photovoltaic=
panels, wind turbines.
=B7 Habitat  - inhabit spaces which do not take land away from agriculture a=
natural ecosystems.  Examples - mixed use neighborhoods, recycling urban=20
spaces, use of local species in landscaping, permeable ground surfaces to=20
reduce rain runoff. =20
=B7 Healthy living spaces - non toxic, comfortable, pleasant surroundings.=20
Examples - use of materials which don't release toxic fumes, natural=20
lighting, fresh air, radiant heating.
=B7 Construction Processes - which protect the local environment and the hea=
of workers.  Examples - reserve topsoil, protect existing trees, recycle=20
construction waste, reuse construction materials, handling of lead paint and=
asbestos. =20
=B7 Community - Provide opportunities for face to face contact with neighbor=
Examples - hospitable semi public spaces such as front porches, pedestrian=20
friendly mixed use neighborhoods.
=B7 Affordability - Initial and ongoing costs should be comparable to or low=
than the costs of the current ways of doing things. Examples - Including the=
cost of utilities and maintenance over the life of a mortgage when making=20
cost comparisons, co-housing, housing cooperatives, durable & low maintenanc=
=B7 Simplicity - Promote simple, elegant lifestyles as opposed to consumeris=
materialism, cospicuous consumption.  Examples - Smaller houses, smaller=20
yards,  no acres of lawn to be mowed on a regular basis.
=B7 Economic justice - spend money on labor and materials which pass the gol=
rule test: "how would I like it if I were on the other end of this exchange?=
=B7 Gardening - design spaces conducive to gardening. Examples - raised beds=
with southern exposure, near living space, sheltered from traffic and=20
animals, greenhouses, sun rooms. =20

Other related posts:

  • » [greenbuild] Green Architecture - Design for Sustainable Living