[gmpi] OT Re: Optimal Parameter Smoothing. was Re: Ramps

  • From: Crudesoft <crudesoft@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 02:01:19 -0800 (PST)

--- Jeff McClintock <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Why should the host turn controllers into ramps? 
> What if your plugin 
> wanted to do it's own parameter smoothing?.
>    How should you handle smoothing for the two main
> types of real-time 
> updates? (MIDI and GUI).  What is the best smoothing
> method?


I suppose this is in reply to my post. If so, I would
like to point out that you are missing my point. You
do not have to explain how filtering and interpolation
works, I am familiar with the theory, even though I
appreciate the effort you've put into it. What I was
trying to say is this:

First of all, I do not question the idea of the host
turning the control signal into events. I talk about
the smoothing of the events, i.e. adding events to the
control signal by the host.

Basically the job of a host is to match generators and
consumers in, I think, a transparent way. The host may
provide some services, but they should be optional
unless there is a real advantage that this service is
used all the time. Interpolating a control signal is a
service. Now should it be on all the time?

Some say that the host knows more about the control
signal than the plugin, hence the host should
interpolate all the time. Let's suppose that this is

How does the host interpolate? The host receives a
series of samples, fits a curve to it and resamples
this curve. But there are many ways to fit a curve and
this is where freedom of interpretation comes in.

I think that most plugins are probably obliged to
interpolate the control signals they receive anyway
just to be sure that they sound as good as possible in
as many hosts as possible simply because they cannot
be sure that the host does the interpolation the way
they  want it. The plugin knows what it can handle,
not the host. If the plugin takes this responsability,
then it has to receive the unmodified control signal.

So I think that the host's interpolation service
should be an optional one (i.e. the user decides if it
is used or not) because it is not easy to specify the
optimum interpolation for all cases. Sometimes linear
is enough, sometimes not. 

But if it is an optional service then there has to be
a mechanism to activate it automatically for plugins
that rely on this service because users don't read

But then again, I don't know if this is important and
that's why I OT-ed the subject of this post.

Best Regards,

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  • » [gmpi] OT Re: Optimal Parameter Smoothing. was Re: Ramps