[gmpi] Re: High level milestone plan (long message)

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:05:06 -0800

On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 11:19:38AM +1300, Jeff McClintock wrote:
>   That's what I was hoping for with my "Master Plan" post.  Can we add 
> a little more detail?  e.g.
> > M3: Create a simple volume control plugin (headless) using the base C
> > interface, plus command line test harness.
> 3.a - Create a simple audio 'pass though' plugin.  Intention: Spec Audio 
> buffering and process() function.
> 3.b. - Add a single parameter "Volume".  Intention: Spec Parameter 
> discovery. Spec basic timestamped event delivery.

I agree that we need more detail.  I also think it will be very hard to
get to your M6 without ever touching metadata.

I'm also wary of planning too far into the future on a project like this.
On the one hand, we need to run it like a commercial product with goals
and schedules.  On the other hand, it is, so far, volunteer.  Moreover, we
need to emphasize *correctness* above all else.  We need to make sure the
API is well vetted and fully fleshed out.

So I think we need more short term detail with a bit more fuzz on
long-term goals.

> Ron Kuper wrote:
> >M1: Establish coding standards, create basic skeleton modules for Win, 
> >Mac and *nix.  (Currently underway.)

Should say "for all interested platforms".  We have more than the big
three interested already :)

> >M2: Define base C interface to the GMPI core object.  This interface 
> >will not initially address packaging, registration, meta-data or UI.

What will it address?  Instantiation, destruction, host interface, the
process() call, arguments to plugins?

> >M3: Create a simple volume control plugin (headless) using the base C 
> >interface, plus command line test harness.

I like Jeff's breakdown.

First a passthrough plugin to explore audio channels.  This needs to
include multi-channel issues and any interleaving issues, as well as
encodings and in-place processing.  This might necessarily touch on
meta-data as a plugin's capabilities are largely defined there.

Second, a gain plugin which has a single parameter.  This will explore
parameter enumeration, event delivery, maybe gestures.

Third, a plugin with several parameters of differing types.


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