[gmpi] Re: C Lesson

  • From: Jeff McClintock <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 12:34:51 +1300

Ahh, so

typedef struct tagIGMPI_Plugin
   struct IGMPI_PluginVtbl *Vtbl;
} IGMPI_Plugin;

..is two things, a struct definition (tagIGMPI_Plugin) and a typedef (IGMPI_Plugin) rolled into one.

how about...

struct IGMPI_Plugin
   struct IGMPI_Plugin *Vtbl;

typedef struct IGMPI_Plugin IGMPI_Plugin;

That avoids the extra typename (tagIGMPI_Plugin), and allows up to drop the "struct" in front of IGMPI_Plugin.


Tim Hockin wrote:
On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 10:50:47AM +1300, Jeff McClintock wrote:

typedef struct _IGMPI_Plugin
  struct IGMPI_PluginVtbl *Vtbl;
} IGMPI_Plugin;

symbols starting with _ are reserved, including struct names, I believe.

So the thing after 'struct' is the typename, the thing after the last curly bracket is a variable of that type?

Not when you've thrown a typedef in there.  I'd advocate dumping the
typedef altogether for structs.

So the variable name is a throwaway, doesn't matter what it's called? ...

In the above you have created 2 data types (well, one with an alias):
 "struct _IGMPI_Plugin" and "IGMPI_Plugin".

In the below you have created 2 data types (well, one with an alias):
 "struct IGMPI_Plugin" and "IGMPI_Plugin_temp".

typedef struct IGMPI_Plugin
  struct IGMPI_PluginVtbl *Vtbl;
} IGMPI_Plugin_temp;

I'd just as soon see

 struct IGMPI_Plugin {
        struct IGMPI_PluginVtbl *Vtbl;

which only creates "struct IGMPI_Plugin" as a type.

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