[gha] Re: (peace from harmony) Re: Re: Invitation to Global Peace Science Imagination - First Bird for GPS Book + Some rules for the articles in Global Peace Science book for your approval up to October 3

  • From: Jose Mª Lopera <jmlopera@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 23:10:23 +0200


Francisco vale alegría,
tan cercano que derrama
la gracia en la Cristiandad
que Dios le otorgó a su alma.

Que nadie se llame a engaño;
en la Iglesia resplandece
Luz del Espíritu Santo.

Copyright-José María Lopera*

*Copyright-José María Lopera.*


El 03/10/2013 18:09, Laj Utreja escribió:
Dear Leo:
Greetings from Sardarshahr. I've been involved in certain fire drills,
and would appreciate if you can extend the dates for the rules thru
Oct 6. I'd like to study them and respond.
love and regards,

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Bruce Cook <cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I appreciate this chance for us to consider what new new GHA
    volume on peace should contain.

    As a reader, I would prefer to read about methods and strategies
    leaving to world peace.

    However, according to this proposal, the articles are to be
    limited to the GHA theory. This means, for example, if I could
    arrange for Hillary Clinton or someone to give us ideas on peace,
    the article would be rejected because it lacks what I might best
    be called *GHA Primacy*, which could mean that peace methods are
    only important if they show respect for the theories propounded in
    the ABC of Harmony.

    For the life of em I have no idea why we would limit the study of
    world peace to such a framework.

    I thought our goal was peace, not a theory.

    Actually, as I reflect, it is disappointing when a peace theorist
    tries to insist that his or her theory is the only or the best
    one. To some extent, this is a problem in several schools of thought.

    So I would urge everyone to vote for a book on peace, not GHA
    peace theory.

    But then, again, the dice may seem to be loaded as we have only a
    few days in which to respond.

    I vote for a book on peace.

    In peace and harmony,


    On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Leo Semashko
    <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Dear Glen, Matjaz, Merchant and Subhash,

        Many thanks for your wonderful first articles in the GHA new
        book: "*/Global Peace Science: The First Common Good for the
        21st Century and every Human/*."

        I'm very glad you were started and included in the long and
        difficult process of collective creating the world's first
        sample of Global Peace Science (GPS) based on the global
        harmony theory presented in */the ABC of Harmony for Global
        Peace/* .... (_www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
        <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478>_). In this
        process, we will try, as in ABC, to unite in harmonious whole
        the dozens of authors' articles with dozens of different
        understandings. /The ABC of harmony/ was the first step on
        this way. It had reached many but is far from perfection
        still. GPS is the conscious second step on this way in which
        we must go further in achieving our harmonious unity of our
        theoretical diversity.

        This is a common and difficult process for each GPS
        participant, so we need to establish some general rules that
        we understood each other better and avoided or minimized the
        frictions and conflicts between us because of this
        misunderstanding. I think everyone would agree with that.
        Therefore, I propose */to discuss and approve by your YES or
        NO for 3 days (if necessary, we will increase this term), up
        to October 3 inclusively the following "Rules for Authors'
        Articles in GPS."

        /*1. Global Peace Science (hereinafter - GPS) in the GHA first
        conception and execution as a synergetic and harmonious
        synthesis of various authors articles - *this is not the end
        but only the beginning* of an endless evolution of scientific
        consciousness of global peace, without which humanity can not
        survive and develop further as a single family of the world

        2. Each author's article in GPS is the answer to the main
        question: /"What I imagine as the most effective pursuit of
        global peace science in a whole or its separate aspect on the
        basis of GHA sources and my own vision?"/

        3. GPS, which is the science of social harmony, there can be a
        collection of disparate articles lacking internal harmonious
        unity and compiled on a principle of "deaf choir, or choir of
        the deaf." This is contrary to harmonious essence of GPS.

        4. GPS of harmony should be a model of harmony. It is provided
        by the GPS united harmonious architecture that combines a
        variety of peacemaking ideas in organically integral/holistic
        knowledge of global peace in all its aspects.

        5. Harmonious architecture of GPS by the most concise way is
        expressed in *Socionome* of /the ABC of Harmony /on two pages
        (40-41). The author of each article could determine,
        primarily, to what sphere of global peace the main subject of
        his article relates. These spheres are four: *sociosphere*,
        *infosphere* (the spiritual realm), *orgsphere* (the sphere of
        politics, law, finance, management, etc.) and
        *technoecosphere* (economic/ecological sphere). The definition
        of one or more spheres for the article along with a reference
        to Socionome could be the beginning of the author's articles
        and the base of its classification in the GPS. The more
        detailed explanations of Socionome can be found in GHA other

        6. Each author's article suggests a scientific explanation of
        one or another necessary aspect of global peace in one (or
        more) of its four spheres. This aspect may have a cognitive
        background in the GPS letters, proposals and outline, which
        were concentrated in the GHA initiative for G20 and published
        here: _www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582
        <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=582>_, either
        in the GPS key ideas presented in the book project here:

        7. The search and scientific analysis of the preconditions of
        the GHA sources, along with their quoting, could form the
        introductory part of the authors' articles. Attracting and
        analysis of other backgrounds from other sources is welcome:
        they will enrich the scientific content of GPS.

        8. The empirical studies, if they are assumed to be in the
        author's article, it is advisable to connect and compare with
        the GPS empirical foundation in Comparative Sociological
        Statistical Study (CSSS:

        9. Based on the previous steps, the author will define the
        final title of his/her article, and will choose for its an
        adequate section of the book proposed contents or will offer
        for it new section.

        10. GPS will be next, after /the ABC of Harmony/, a step in
        the peace Tetranet harmonious thinking, which involves the
        synthesis of the contents of each author's article in the
        tetra- model. This is the most complex and subtle intellectual
        moment. Therefore, the GPS book editor invites the authors of
        articles to joint formation of such models in the process of
        bilateral dialogue since November 2013.

        These 10 simple rules, I think, will provide a high scientific
        level and necessary harmonious consolidation of different
        articles in a one organic whole of the GPS first version from
        harmony. They will also provide the spirit of Emile Durkheim's
        collective solidary peace consciousness, integrating in
        harmony the diversity of peace ideas and peace imagination. I
        also hope that the discussion of these rules will clarify,
        enrich and make them more effective.

        Of course, these rules are not a panacea for all internal
        epistemological problems of our difficult collective creative
        process, but they create a certain framework and dimensions
        system for its harmonization and coherent organization.

        As for the art works for GPS, in a short time, we, along with
        Ernesto Kahan, as Chair of the Commission and Jury will
        present similar rules, as the development of 10 these, for
        your consideration. These rules will provide high quality of
        the original articles and artwork for GPS, as well as our book
        of GPS as a whole.

        With love, best harmony wishes,


        Dr Leo Semashko:
        State  Councillor  of  St.  Petersburg,
        Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony;
        Director:  Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia;
        Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005;
        Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony":
        www.peacefromharmony.org <http://www.peacefromharmony.org>
        Global Peace Science from Harmony:
        <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585> and
        In Russian: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=606
        World Interfaith Harmony Project on the ABC of Harmony Base:
        GHA Program Book, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace:
        GHA Peace Video: http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA;
        My Web page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
        Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia
        Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71 <tel:%28812%29%20597-65-71>; Skype:
        Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/leo.semashko?ref=tn_tnmn

        ----- Original Message -----
          From: Subhash Chandra, schandra101@xxxxxxxxx
          To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>
          Sent: 28 ???????? 2013 ?., 17:43:53
          Subject: [gha] Re: Invitation to Global Peace Science
        Imagination - First Bird for GPS Book

        Dear Dr Leo Semashko:
        Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA)
        I am forwarding my article on "Peace through Harmony: Peaceful
        Coexistence in 21st Century */"Vasudheiva Kutumbkam/ - (World
        is one family)//*for the book - *GHA new project-book: "Global
        Peace Science: The First Common Good for the 21st Century" *
        We are threatened by nuclear destruction and economic
        collapse. Nuclear armament is the major threat to world peace.
        Nuclear armament constitute the greatest threat man has ever
        known Even without a war, nuclear stockpiling and radiation
        from nuclear testing threaten destruction of the human race.
        */"In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors
        because there will be no survivors..." said His Holiness the
        Dalai Lama.
        Therefore the biggest agenda for the Twenty-First Century is:
        How to save the Humanity and How to create Peaceful planet?
        *Call of the Time:
        *To meet the present global challenges & to save the humanity
        from further destruction it is the time to search our heart &
        soul and turn our attention inwardly to change our values &
        attitude to achieve the goal of developing sustainable peace
        in the society.  We have to change our consciousness & our
        attitude from Culture of Violence & war to Culture of Peace &
        harmony for creating a peaceful planet.
        Now is the time to */"Thinking together is a new vision of
        start, working together is a new start for converting vision
        into actions for developing Global Harmonious Society."
        /Global Peace Science Movement for Humanity*: The present
        situation calls for a drastic strengthening of "Global Peace
        Science Movement for Humanity -- Growth through Peace and for
        Peace but not for War".  It's time to focus on '/Thinking
        together & Working together' on /Global Peace Science movement
        involving all the Leaders to save the humanity.
        "Global Peace and Interfaith Harmony for the 21st Century"
        /       "Vasudheiva Kutumbkam/  - One Family, One Religion &
        One Harmony"
        Peace is the ultimate aspiration of mankind all over the
        world, despite all ethnic, cultural and other differences.
        Without peace, life loses its intrinsic meaning, beauty and
        dignity. This human aspiration is expressed in a variety of
        forms: poetical, artistic, spiritual, and so on across
        different cultures.
        *Basically, all religions believe in peace, equality and
        helping the less fortunate. To live in peace one must respect
        all religions.
        *According to Indian Vedic Philosophy: Harmony is /Vasudheva
        Kutumbkam/ (entire world being a single family abandoning all
        differences or divisions). Harmony is not just a unified
        system of belief encoded in a declaration of faith; it is
        rather an umbrella comprising the plurality of religious
        phenomena originating from the Vedic tradition
        Harmony is a philosophy of unity i.e. /"Vasudheva
        Kutumbkam"/ means
          Peaceful Co-existence for all*.*
        */Vasudheva Kutumbkam'/* is /Global Peace Science for Humanity
        for creating a Peaceful planet./ The world is one family has
        been expressed in our scriptures. The oneness of humanity has
        been a fundamental belief of Indian Civilization. Global Peace
        & oneness of Humanity can only be achieved through cultivating
        the Global culture of Peace & Harmony.
        Dr.Subhash Chandra

        Dr.Subhash Chandra
        Members -- Global Harmony Association &
        GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
        Project Director- Global Peace & Humanity Project*
        Convener* *GPF-India - *Global Peace Foundation -- India
        www.globalpeace.org <http://www.globalpeace.org>
        *Director- *Global Peace & Interfaith Harmony Project (GPIH
        India) www.globalpeacefestival.org/
        Guest faculty - Central Institute of Business Management
        (CIBM-RD), Nagpur &
        Chief Advisor- International Centre of Spirituality &
        Leadership (ICSL) Nagpur.  President (Hon.)
        World Peace & Cultural Centre (WPCC), Ujjain India
        *International Coordinator, WWA- World Without Anger
        Kathmandu, Nepal www.worldwithoutanger.org

        *On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 5:51 AM, Bruce Cook, AuthorMe.com
        <cookcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:cookcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
        Dear Matjaz,

        A wonderful submission. Thank you

        Yours in harmony,

        Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D.
        President, GHA-USA
        Vice-President, GHA
        Director of CSSS Publishing and Editorial team
        President, World Writers Resources, Inc.
        Author, *Harmony of Nations: 1943 -- 2020*, Just Fiction
        Editions, 2012
        1407 Getzelman Drive
        Elgin, IL 60123 USA
        312-859-8090 <tel:312-859-8090>
        cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx>
        www.harmonyofnations.com <http://www.harmonyofnations.com/>
        http://author-me.com <http://author-me.com/>

        *From:* MATJAZ( MULEJ <mulej@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mulej@xxxxxxxxx>>
        *To:* "gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
        <gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>;
        "leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>"
        <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>>
        *Cc:* "info@xxxxxxx <mailto:info@xxxxxxx>" <info@xxxxxxx
        *Sent:* Saturday, September 28, 2013 3:26 AM

        *Subject:* [gha] Re: Invitation to Global Peace Science
        Imagination - First Bird for GPS Book

        Dear Leo,

        is the attached short article interesting for your Global
        Peace Science book?

        *From:* gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>] on behalf of Leo Semashko
        [leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>]
        *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2013 4:54 PM
        *To:* Martin, Glen T
        *Cc:* gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
        p.alvarez@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:p.alvarez@xxxxxxxxxx>;
        ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
        *Subject:* [gha] Re: Invitation to Global Peace Science
        Imagination - First Bird for GPS Book

        Dear Glen,

        Thank you very much for your excellent and great article in
        the Global Peace Science book!

        Your article is the first bird for this book. Of course,
        later, we will discuss it in the details, may be in the
        October end or in November.

        With love, best harmony wishes,


        Dr Leo Semashko:
        State  Councillor  of  St.  Petersburg,
        Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony;
        Director:  Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia;
        Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA);
        Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony":
        www.peacefromharmony.org <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/>
        Global Peace Science from Harmony:
        World Interfaith Harmony Project on the ABC of Harmony Base:
        GHA Program Book, The ABC of Harmony for World Peace:
        GHA Peace Video: http://youtu.be/hbxY5lREOeA;
        My Web page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
        Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia
        Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71 <tel:%28812%29%20597-65-71>; Skype:
        Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/leo.semashko?ref=tn_tnmn

        ----- Original Message -----
          From: Martin, Glen T, gmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx
          To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>
          Sent: 26 ???????? 2013 ?., 22:11:07
          Subject: [gha] Re: Invitation to Global Peace Science

        Dear Leo,

        Please find my 3 page article submission for the book on
        Global Peace Science.

        Yours in peace and friendship,

        Glen Martin

        /Dr. Glen T. Martin
        President, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc.
        (www.wcpa.biz <http://www.wcpa.biz/>,
        www.worldparliament-gov.org <http://www.worldparliament-gov.org/>)
        President, Institute on World Problems (www.worldproblems.net
        Professor of Philosophy, Radford University
        (www.radford.edu/gmartin <http://www.radford.edu/gmartin>)

        *From:* gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [mailto:gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:gha-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>] *On Behalf Of *Leo Semashko
        *Sent:* Monday, September 23, 2013 11:50 AM
        *To:* williamsbj@xxxxxx <mailto:williamsbj@xxxxxx>;
        <mailto:c.von-furstenberg@xxxxxxxxxx>; p.alvarez@xxxxxxxxxx
        *Cc:* gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
        ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ghausa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
        *Subject:* [gha] Invitation to Global Peace Science Imagination


        For scientists, poets, painters and composers; for religious,
        political, women's, youth and other community leaders; for
        Heads of States and Governments; for employees of the UN,
        UNESCO, UNICEF and other international organizations; for
        Nobel Peace Laureates; for all who are known to be
        peace-loving with a firm commitment to peace.
        *The Global Harmony Association* (GHA:
        _www.peacefromharmony.org <http://www.peacefromharmony.org>_)
        is happy to invite you to participate in a unique on its world
        significance book: "*/Global Peace Science: The First Common
        Good for the 21st Century and every
        <http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585>_). We
        would be thrilled to include your art work or article up to 3
        pages (at your request it may be more) to answer this subject:
        /"What I imagine as the most effective pursuit of global peace
        science for the 21st Century on the basis of GHA sources and
        my own vision?"/ Your art work or article will be featured in
        one of the book chapters or a new chapter, proposed by you.
        The book will be published in September 2014.
        The deadline for articles is November 30, 2013; for the art
        works is April 30, 2014.
        This can be modified at your request.
        Your article or work would be sent, by e-mail in attached file
        WORLD.doc, to the GHA President, the book Editor in Chief Dr.
        Leo Semashko (_leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>_) or another GHA leader at the
        address here: Contact Us
        GHA will highly appreciate and publish your response to this
        invitation with any suggestions and comments. This invitation
        may be distributed freely.
        September 2013

-- Subhash Chandra
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*Dr. Laj Utreja *
Director, Institute of Global Harmony
Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan, India
Tel: 08003044016

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