[ggo-discussion] glGo: new webpage, new version

  • From: Peter Strempel <pstrempel@xxxxxx>
  • To: ggo-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 21:53:52 +0200

I moved the glGo webpage to http://de.geocities.com/peterstrempel/
Yes, geocities and advs suck, this is a temporary location but will do for 
now. I am not in the mood to pay for a webhost at the moment, though. I am 
mentioning this as the updater checker of the last version would now 
infinitely check the old page and never yell about new updates anymore. If 
anyone knows a good free (or inexpensive) webhost, please tell me.

The latest version adds a nice 2D board, which looks quite similar to the 
gGo/Java display. There is one drawback, though, one can only open one at 
the same time right now. I am unsure if there is a workaround, the SDL 
library I used for this basically offers only one screen (usually 
fullscreen), the usual game environments hardly require multiple windows. 
Embedding this screen into a Windows window was a major pain and ugly hack, 
but the display quality is most excellent. Commercial games use this 
library, and I can see why.
When opening a second board the framebuffer will get confused (or I am too 
confused programming this).
There are certainly more 2D library available without these limitations, 
but I know of none which would support Linux, too. SDL runs natively on 
Windows using DirectX and Linux using the available X drivers. And trashing 
Linux support sounds like a bad idea to me. And as far as I know, DirectX 
wouldnt want to run in several windows within one program, too. The problem 
with these libraries is, they usually want to run in one own window or 
fullscreen, not inside "foreign" managed GUI frames, and worse, within 
several of them. Maybe there is some ugly workaround, I have not found it 
yet. :)

The OpenGL 3d board is of course still there, you can switch between both 
types in the preferences dialog. The 3d boards are unlimited, you can open 
as many of them as you want, just the 2D board is currently limited (1x 2D 
+ unlimited 3D boards is also possible). I see the 2D board as add-on for 
those who dont want or have trouble with OpenGL. And it is significantly 

The IGS client code made a little progress, there are now player and games 
tables like in gGo, and observing basically works (uh, don't observe more 
than one game with the 2D board active, it will crash. Multiple observing 
with 3D boards is fine.) Playing games is not yet supported, if you do or 
answer "match" in the terminal, it will be simply ignored. Hopefully that 
will come soon, else this thing is quite useless. :)
Overall glGo made not too much progress (and gGo none at all), I am quite 
low on free time at the moment and hardly worked on the clients during the 
last three weeks at all.


Other related posts:

  • » [ggo-discussion] glGo: new webpage, new version