[ggo-discussion] Re: SGF Tree

  • From: Peter Strempel <pstrempel@xxxxxx>
  • To: ggo-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 06:30:27 +0100

On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 09:58:21PM -0500, Nazif, Zaher A. wrote:

> The main issue that I have is displaying the first branch so far from the
> main.

Yes, agreed. I looked through some GTL reviews with the tree, and this
disturbs a lot. I fixed this yesterday evening in the tree test prototype,
it will now precalculate the variations length and if it doesnt overlap with
a following variation, it won't offset it so far away from the main branch.
Though, this will take some calculation time, havn't tried it on bigger
games yet. The tree only *draws* the part which you are currently having in
the scrolled window (no need to draw what you don't see), but for the
y-offset calculation it needs to look at the whole tree, else things get
weired when you scroll.

The old behaviour is ok for deep trees with many branches, like Kogo (though
the tree coughs heavily on Kogo, 32,000 nodes is too much), while the new
behaviour is better for flat trees. Maybe I keep both with an option in the
popup menu to toggle.

I will make a new tree test available later today with the change. Current
is test-3 (which is the same as the glGo tree), so look for test-4.
I won't announce them on the main page, so keep an eye on the prototype
webpage for changes.

There are more issues to solve. The search algorithm for "Goto move" is
slow, needs to be optimized. It takes too long to find a move somewhere deep
in a variation with large and heavily branched games.

> One possible idea is not to expand the whole tree immediately but have the
> nodes with branches displayed differently and expand the branch only when
> requested (maby with a right mouse click).

Not a bad idea. Though the above change might make this unnecassary. Not
sure yet.

> I do not find the move numbers that useful. The main use I have for the tree
> is to read commented games or teaching games. If the main variation stops
> and the game continues in a second variation, the numbering restarts at 1. I
> definitely prefer move locations instead (such as c12, r3, etc.) or if that
> is difficult eliminate the number and make the circle smaller (or even a
> bullit) and the tree more compact.

I personally find the move numbers useful, probably a matter of taste.
Though I agree letting the variations count start with 1 is useless, should
have the same number as the main branch.

A possibility would be to make an option: Show numbers, show locations, show
nothing - and adjust the circle size accordingly. With Show Nothing the
circles could be tiny then.

> Finally, are we supposed to hear sound when traversing the tree?

Hmm no. Do you? I mostly turn sound off. :)
Sound is only played when playing a new move, not when navigating. "Goto move"
is a navigation action, so it should not play a sound. Maybe something goes
wrong. :)

> and I hope these comments are useful.

Yes, they are.


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