[geocentrism] Re: radiation

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 16:39:09 +1000


They cannot hide everything:  This from 

  Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic 
particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high 
energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later 
section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of 
the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two 
months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed 
that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So 
many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode 
of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt 
present at all times, it was remarkably intense.

Hullo!  Are we then to suppose that in the age when nearly everybody had a 
gieger counter of some sort, Van Allen and others would not know how dangerous 
were radiations that sent a counter OFF SCALE.. Especially after the second 
attempt with increased range measuring   found the truth. 
Discovery of the Radiation Belt
       Explorer 1 spacecraft
       Click   here for a full size version.  
    Unlike the orbits of the Sputniks, that of Explorer 1 was quite elliptical 
and it rose to an altitude of about 2500 kilometers. Furthermore, since it had 
been decided to omit the spacecraft's tape recorder on the first flight, data 
could only be collected when Explorer 1 was within range of a tracking station, 
for at most a few minutes each time. The data were puzzling. At low points of 
the orbit the number of energetic particles was near the expected value, but at 
the high portions of the orbit none were counted at all.  
        Trace of counting rate
        of Explorer 3  
    Explorer 2 failed to orbit, but Explorer 3, launched March 26, was 
successful, and it did carry a tape recorder. Its trace of the number of counts 
was normal at low altitudes, then it rose rapidly to fill the transmittable 
limit of 128, but at the highest level it fell to zero. Laboratory experiments 
with similar counters confirmed that this was characteristic of extremely high 
counting rates, when the counter discharged so frequently that it could not 
properly recover between counts, yielding pulses too small to trigger the 
counting circuit. 

      Sputnik 3 

    Sputnik III, carrying more elaborate scientific instruments, was launched 
May 12 and confirmed the discovery. It was later realized that Sputnik II had 
also detected the belt at the highest part of its orbit, but that occured above 
Australia, where the USSR did not track it. The Australians did get the signal, 
but the USSR would not reveal to them the broadcast code. Further studies were 
conducted by Explorer 4 later that year (trapped radiation, history) and of 
course, by many spacecraft ever since. 

The Earth actually has two radiation belts of different origins. The inner 
belt, the one discovered by Van Allen's Geiger counter, occupies a compact 
region above the equator (see drawing, which also includes the trajectories of 
two space probes) and is a by-product of cosmic radiation. It is populated by 
protons of energies in the 10-100 Mev range, which readily penetrate spacecraft 
and which can, on prolonged exposure, damage instruments and be a hazard to 
astronauts. Both manned and unmanned spaceflights tend to stay out of this 

        Cross-section of the two radiation
        belts, together with the orbits of
        Pioneers 3 and 4 which contributed
        early observations of them.  
    The outer radiation belt is nowadays seen as part of the plasma trapped in 
the magnetosphere. The name "radiation belt" is usually applied to the more 
energetic part of that plasma population, e.g. ions of about 1 Mev of energy 
(see energy units). The more numerous lower-energy particles are known as the 
"ring current", since they carry the current responsible for magnetic storms. 
Most of the ring current energy resides in the ions (typically, with 0.05 MeV) 
but energetic electrons can also be found.

Reply Apollo Q.

    The argument which you raised keeps coming back in my e-mail; see for 

    The answer is always--no. The radiation is bad, but not THAT bad. 
Astronauts went through the belt quickly, and the dosage was minimal. Two hours 
were certainly not enough to kill anyone--two weeks, maybe, I am not sure (the 
dosage to the skin would be heavy, but to the heart or brain much less so 
because most of the inner belt protons do not penetrate far). 

Is he just guessing or making excuses? Lets read it again, and keep in mind, 
skin is not lead... 

Energetic electrons form two distinct radiation belts, while protons form a 
single belt. Within these belts are particles capable of penetrating about 1 
g/cm2 [2] of shielding (e.g., 1 millimetre of lead).

Paul forgive me for smelling a rat.  On those figures I volunteer you to go 
straight up..  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: philip madsen 
  To: geocentrism list 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:17 PM
  Subject: [geocentrism] radiation

  It seems that radiation is not a good name for Van Allens field..  Radiation 
as such is generally referred to is Electromagnetic waves.. up to cosmic rays.. 

  Now according to Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Allen_radiation_belt
  The Van Allen radiation belt is a torus of energetic charged particles 
(plasma) around Earth, held in place by Earth's magnetic field.

  plasma is charged particles.. Energetic means high speed, and thus they 
penetrate ... 

  Energetic electrons form two distinct radiation belts, while protons form a 
single belt. Within these belts are particles capable of penetrating about 1 
g/cm2 [2] of shielding (e.g., 1 millimetre of lead).

  So there we have it..  High speed matter, protons electrons and probably 

  thats plasa or charged ions. Much more destructive than x-rays or nuclear 
radiation , depending upon the intensity of course. Here again we need to 
distinguish between EMR of x-rays and the particles of nuclear radiation..  

  It is generally understood that the inner and outer Van Allen belts result 
from different processes. The inner belt, consisting mainly of energetic 
protons, is the product of the decay of albedo neutrons which are themselves 
the result of cosmic ray collisions in the upper atmosphere. The outer belt 
consists mainly of electrons. They are injected from the geomagnetic tail 
following geomagnetic storms, and are subsequently energized though 
wave-particle interactions. Particles are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field 
because it is basically a magnetic mirror. Particles gyrate around field lines 
and also move along field lines. As particles encounter regions of stronger 
magnetic field where field lines converge, their "longitudinal" velocity is 
slowed and can be reversed, reflecting the particle. This causes the particle 
to bounce back and forth between the earth's poles, where the magnetic field 

  A gap between the inner and outer Van Allen belts, sometimes called safe zone 
or safe slot, is caused by the very low frequency (VLF) waves which scatter 
particles in pitch angle which results in the loss of particles to the 
atmosphere. Solar outbursts can pump particles into the gap but they drain 
again in a matter of days.

  All presumed of course, but real nonethe less. Because they followed with 

  In another view, the belts could be considered a flow of electric current 
that is fed by the solar wind. With the protons being positive and the 
electrons being negative, the area between the belts is sometimes subjected to 
a current flow, which "drains" away. The belts are also thought to drive 
auroras, lightning and many other electrical effects.


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