[geocentrism] Re: On the flywheel and Aspden

  • From: Paul Deema <paul_deema@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:20:39 +0000 (GMT)

Philip M 
This is something one can get one's teeth into! I'm interested.
May I make a suggestion or two? Going the electrical route does indeed involve 
you in some nice measurements and calculations -- measuring power consumption  
(energy) is complex and I doubt not that it will cause you significant 
headaches. A much simpler approach, which avoids all those complications, is 
the mechanical method. For instance, if you have a bench grinder, take the 
stone off one end and fit a pulley (it doesn't have to be too precise). Wind a 
string of suitable length with a knot at the end around the pulley, crossing 
the string at the end of the first turn just behind the knot. Then wind all the 
string on the pulley except for enough to allow a weight to be attached and 
suspended over an idler pulley. Now release the weight. It will fall towards 
the ground, radially accelerating the motor, shaft and the other stone. If the 
string is the right length, it will fall off the pulley before the weight hits 
the ground. By judicious choice of the
 accelerating mass, you can arrange that the time of fall is sufficiently long 
as to minimise errors in recording the time taken. Don't forget to leave the 
power switch at 'off'.
With this approach, the energy imparted is easily calculated and always 
constant. If Aspden is correct, the time taken for the weight and string to 
fall off the pulley will be significantly less on the second of two closely 
spaced tests. I'm betting he's wrong, and that all tests no matter when made 
will, within the margin for error, return the same results!
I have an old 12" 2.5kg aluminium turntable which would do admirably for these 
tests but sadly I don't have a stopwatch. This mechanism has the advantage that 
it would be simple to change the direction of spin and the orientation angle of 
the flywheel. I'd bet this would also have no effect.
Paul D

----- Original Message ----
From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, 10 March, 2008 11:52:13 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] On the flywheel and Aspden

Philip. Often you throw posts in that have awful spelling, non-existent 
punctuation, mixed-up font sizes and the like......Neville. 
Aw! ere!  come orf it mate! All my posts are exquisately planned. korrect 
spelling isn't necessary. 
I have diverted our personal debate with you to a direct line...  
This week I laid the ground work to do an experiment to prove Aspdens Flywheel 
claim, as mentioned  in GWW, and elsewhere. i.e. That a flywheel requires much 
less energy to restore its speed after an initial speedup and shut down, 
provided the restart was done immediately. (nominally within 2 minutes)  
This is important as it is a proof of the aether effect which I think is 
essential to geocentrism. 
Getting the hardwhere was easy.. Its the electronics for measurement that is 
delaying any result. However I did a quickie test with my bench grinder, which 
is essentially a flywheel. At first switch on, it took 2 seconds approx to 
reach max rpm. Immediate stop with a wood block, and it took 2 seconds approx 
to reach full rpm on the second start..  and the third and the fourth etc. 
According to Aspden the second et al start should have taken less than a 
The result  is what my standard physics would expect..  I guess Aspden has had 
me dreaming for a long time about nonsense.  
However just in case the timing was due to motor characteristics, I will 
proceed to the next step..  Will keep you informed.. 

      Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

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