[geocentrism] Re: Fwd: The Threat of a Nuclear War

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 14:49:35 +1000

Sorry for having mistaken you for a sede vacantist. 
In the allegory, don't you think that Judas could be the false prophet (the 
Beast from the Earth in Revelation 13); according to some of the Fathers, the 
false prophet will be a successor of  the apostles (a bishop)... perhaps the 
bishop of Rome..

Yes of course Marc.. Current Ratzinger could fit the bill, should he go over 
the edge...but this does not prevent my idea being figuratively in principle of 
universal betrayal. I do not think Judas apostasised . He was just a common 
thief , who didn't quite understand what the faith was all about, which is the 
majority today. Meanwhile the false Prophet will be an apostate, the harlot of 
Rome...But doesn't he appear at the time or just before antichrist? I do not 
think we are at that stage yet..Chastisement, soon, two thirds of mankind 
destroyed,  then peace perhaps 20years, then the armageddon and antichrist and 
the false prophet and all that stuff..  People don't stay cool for long..  


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