[geocentrism] Re: Frame Dragging

  • From: Dan <danchap9@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:32:41 -0800 (PST)

Dr Neville Jones.
When I look up at knight say at Ursa Major (The big bear) at 23.00 hrs. 24 
hours later the constellation is in the exactly the same place. To think that 
all the stars have moved 360 degrees blows my mind. That is perfection beyond 
comprehension. I?ve just got back from holiday today and found your c.d program 
on the door step and immediately loaded it onto my p.c. Thank you very much for 
sending it to me.


You place the stars beyond our planets. That makes sense to me and has 
clarified a lot of questions I had. It seems to me from the program that each 
planet has its own circuit which it goes around the earth like 1 the moon 2 
Mercury 3 Venus most importantly the Sun on the fourth etc and finally the 
realm of the stars on the eighth and they all move according to signs and 
seasons and days and years.


I am sure that you are familiar with precision according to the h.c hyped up 
theory lol consists of a 25?000 year cycle which to me is ludicrous. Why 
because I know that the biblical cycle is 6?000 years from Genesis to 
Revelation. Feel free to rip this apart but I have worked out that for the 6000 
year period of time to work it would take the Sun 500 years to move through one 
constellation. As 12 times 500 = 6000. What do you make of that. I have a 
diagram on my website in the middle of the page re: Fig 1 sometimes pictures 
say more than words. Please feel free to comment I am totally open for 
correction believe me I need it after joining this forum. I?ve learnt so much.  

See fig1 only I need to revise what I have written once I get the revelation 
that the earth is not spinning I am now a lot closer to that thanks to you guys.



"Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Bob,

I will attempt to answer your questions as follows:

[B] On the one hand, I read that all celestial objects are in orbit about the
earth and move through the aether unimpeded by friction, essentially
traveling along the paths originally given them by their Creator. Some
events may cause an object to move off course now and then, such as
proximity to or collision with another object, but they generally remain as
they were from the Beginning. On the other hand, I read that celestial
objects move through space by action of the Lense-Thirring Effect (frame
dragging), vis-à-vis the outer shell of the Universe. So my question is,
are the stars, etc., moving ?on their own? as they were set in motion by
God, or do they orbit us simply because the shell is orbiting and dragging
them along with it? If the earth is not rotating, then either God set each
star?s velocity so they all just happen to move around us in exactly one
day, regardless of their distance from us, or they are synchronized because
they have a relational property that ties them to the mass of the shell.

[N] The Lense-Thirring effect has, to my knowledge, never been confirmed, and 
therefore remains theoretical. Furthermore, it is based on Newton's idea of 
universal gravitation, which was a) a guess and b) has to be "amended" by 
Onestone's General Relativity. In my opinion, and in line with the reasoning of 
the late Walter van der Kamp, I view the stars has each having its own path 
within the firmament. This means that the small ellipses of stellar aberration 
are caused not as a result of the World's movement (HC), but are real annular 
motions of the stars around those paths (GS).
[B] If the objects we see in space are merely reacting to frame dragging, it
seems to me that anything launched slowly into the rotating flow of space
should experience acceleration due to frame dragging while objects launched
against the flow should experience a deceleration for the same reason. If
this were true, then I would expect all celestial bodies to (eventually)
align their orbits perpendicular to the earth?s axis (the axis of the
Universe). Also, I would expect all celestial bodies to ?orbit with the
grain?, so to speak, and move east to west in unison (as we observe). Are
there any experiments to check this, or observations of heavenly bodies that
would indicate that this is true (or false)?

[N] I would view your contention as correct (and have tried to argue this point 
with Dr. Gerardus Bouw, but to no avail). However, my previous answer also 
answers this point, inasmuch as I do not accept that the firmament has any such 
effect on material objects.

[B] Finally, if frame dragging is a real effect, why does the earth not also
orbit (rotate) on its own axis in synchronization with the shell?

[N] Again, agreed. But try telling Dr. Bouw that!

Best wishes, and I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction (if 
not, then just ask again),


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