[geocentrism] Re: Dr. Jones' CD Rom "Geocentric Universe 2.2

  • From: "Cheryl B." <c.battles@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 00:58:49 -0500

Dear Dr. Jones,

  Hi there, I'm Emily, Cheryl Battles' 16-year-old daughter.  We received
your Geocentric Universe 2.2 CD today and I viewed and listened to it right
after mom did.  I'm no great scientific mind, but the topic of geocentrism
does interest me.. I've read Starlight and Time and I am all for science
that agrees cleanly to God's word.  It's amazing, the supposed truths that
circulate 'common knowledge' in the world.  But you know that, it was made
obvious by the History section on your CD.  That was my favorite section.
Your humor and common sense is great.  The physics of the solar system model
kinda goes over my head though.  I think I can about grasp the illusion
trick displayed in the guided tour, but mom and I plan to look over it
further.  Thank you for your good work.


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