[geocentrism] Re: Conference & stuff

  • From: "Robert Bennett" <robert.bennett@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:34:32 -0400

I'm still trying to get caught up on my work during the week I was gone.
However i thought as a interesting side note and as part of the conference I
would mention another topic in a speech given on Textites by one of our
speakers very interesting is the fact that they lie only within 50 degrees
of equator their appears to be a relation to the ecliptic plane and the fact
that they are only found in few strewn fields in the world not evenly
distributed... Ill try to get the handout in a jepeg in the next few
days......... I?m guess that the proceedings of the conference will be
published in the next BA but that is just a guess.. I?ll get some more
research done little by little and more so when i can get caught up

Robert Bennett <robert.bennett@xxxxxxx> wrote:

        From an Alien :

        I'm still trying to get caught up on my work during the week I was gone.
However i thought as a interesting side note and as part of the conference I
would mention another topic in a speech given on Textites by one of our
speakers very interesting is the fact that they lie only within 50 degrees
of equator their appears to be a relation to the ecliptic plane and the fact
that they are only found in few strewn fields in the world not evenly
distributed... Ill try to get the handout in a jepeg in the next few
days......... I?m guess that the proceedings of the conference will be
published in the next BA but that is just a guess.. I?ll get some more
research done little by little and more so when i can get caught up

        Would appreciate the tektite handout, Allen? have a theory about meteor
impacts in the time of Peleg  that can use this type of research.

        Gerry Bouw said some of the AbsCon  presentations will be in the BA;  
will be posted on the geocentricity site.


        Robert B.

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