[geocentrism] Re: Bloodthirsty God???

  • From: Jack Lewis <jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:06:04 +0000

Regarding persecution, it is the 'faith' that has resisted persecution not the people or if you like a belief that the Bible is the word of God. It's the believers of these faiths that have suffered at the hands of, in most cases, people who profess that same belief. I can't believe Neville that you are unable to 'see' the difference between what Christianity teaches and the way some people practice it. Doing something in the name of Jesus is blasphemy and those who do it are not Christians and well you know it!

Where on earth did you get that meaning for Jesus? Again I ask what scriptures are you using to back-up your claims?

The 'supposed' dialogue between you and God, in essence, is not nonsense. I was only voicing as a dialogue what you were saying in your e-mail about Him. You may not realise this but your dialogue has already taken place!!!



Neville Jones wrote:
Dear Jack,

Articles on the web site will be amended or taken down as appropriate. There is nothing unusual about this. This is the scientific method, as has been the case for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

As for persecution, there are millions who have not withstood the 'test' of persecution. 'Witches' rolled down hills in spiked barrels, 'heretics' burned alive at the stake, men hacked to pieces in the Crusades, women flogged until the skin hung off their backs, ..., etc., etc., and all done in the name of 'Jesus'.

Incidentally, Jack, the Hebrew name you call 'Jesus' means "may his name be blotted out."

Your comments about my dialogue with God are simply nonsense.


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