[gameprogrammer] Re: flight simulation camera

  • From: David Olofson <david@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:40:31 +0200

On Thursday 27 September 2007, Julien Breton wrote:
> Hello,
> Do you know where I can find an example of a flight simulation
> camera ?

What do you mean, exactly?

From what I've seen, the basic logic of how the camera works in 
simulators (flight, racing etc) is that it's simply locked to the 
vehicle, ie it sits where the pilot/driver would be, looking straight 

In racing simulators, it's common to add minor adjustments to the 
position and view angle of the camera, to hint about the G-forces 
that are "lost in transmission". (Lost, unless you're using a moving 
platform, that is.) I suppose you could do that in a flight simulator 
too, but I can't remember seeing that. X-Plane has a different 
solution: Blackout and redout is simulated by fading the view to 
black and red respectively. Simple and effective. (Not very not 
relevant to racing though, as you'd normally never get that kind of 
G-forces on the vertical axis in a car for extended periods of time.)

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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