[gameprogrammer] Re: C++ project

  • From: Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 09:36:45 -0800

another thing you could do is create a mandlebrot set viewer.  It isn't a
game but it's an interesting project.

check this link (ignore the music LOL)


if you dont know much about fractals...

the mandlebrot set is a "fractal" which is something that is made up of
miniature peices of itself and has infinite detail no matter how far you
zoom into it.

It's created via a mathematical function that determines the color of pixels
based on their position.

If you made an app where it showed the thing zoomed out and you could drag
select a window to zoom into it (or maybe clicked on a point to zoom in),
that would be a pretty neat project as well.

I made something like that in school as well and it was fun / challenging
but doable.

fractals are pretty cool

if you are interested in this stuff, an IFS viewer might also be fun to
write.  Basically you describe fractals and then it creates them...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterated_function_system  <--- more info on

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> does it need to be a graphical game or can it be text based?  In my 1st
> comp. sci. class we had to make 2 games, one was text based the other was
> graphical.  Here's what I made, which were both pretty simple to program,
> but still kind of fun to make and a little challenging.
> =====TEXT=====
> For text i made a "graphical text game" ie something like you are a guy in
> a maze (represented by the @ sign) and have to make it through the maze
> (walls represented by the # sign) to the exit (represented by an X) possibly
> while being chased by bad guys (represented by $ signs).
> Controlls are the arrow keys and it's turn based so whenever you pressed a
> key and moved one spot, the enemies each got to move one spot too.  AI was
> simple, it was just that they would try to move towards you each turn and
> would do so unless they were blocked from going in that direction by walls.
> If you have time you could make the AI smarter and do A* path finding but
> then it might be too difficult a game :P
> =====GRAPHICAL=====
> For graphical, I made a variation on battleship that was one player.
> The player is represented by a grid of squares that are all blank (and
> there was like, a minimally animated background of water on the game board).
> Ships were randomly placed on the map but of course are hidden from view.
> You had limited ammo (i forget how much, you could tweak it to find the
> right amount of ammo, or you could make difficulty levels where you had more
> or less ammo) and you would choose a grid square to fire in (you could do
> selection by mouse or keyboard) .
> Whenever you fired it would subtract 1 from your bullet count and update
> the UI to show 1 less bullet.  If you hit nothing, it would put an X there
> to show that you missed.  If you hit something, it would show a little
> graphic of what you hit, such as a section of a small boat.
> If you sank all the boats, you won.
> If you ran out of bullets before then, you lost.
> Hope this helps!
> 2009/12/16 ®£$ǖ"v@M$Ħ ¢© $. <theamericansushi@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hey,
>> I need to do a project for school in C++ IDE. I'm planning to make a
>> simple game. If anyone has any good ideas or pointers that would be great.
>> Thanks,
>> Suvamsh

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