FTPicture Constuctor Issue

  • From: Bob Keeney <bobk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ftcdev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:49:23 -0600

I have a bunch of old code that I upgraded to version 1.1 (note that I'm not using the beta so if it's fixed in the beta let me know) that uses the FTCustom object.

When I get to the FTPicture.Constructor(parentControl as FormattedText, obj as XmlElement, generateNewID as boolean = true) method the obj.GetAttribute(FTCxml.XML_SCALED_WIDTH) and obj.GetAttribute(FTCxml.XML_SCALED_HEIGHT) are both come back as zero thus causing errors when it tries to create pictures.

Is there something I need to account for when looking at the old FTCustom subclassed objects?

As a temporary measure, if the scaled height or width come back as zero I use a scale factor of 1.

Bob Keeney
BKeeney Software Inc.
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