FTC beta 15 preview 7

  • From: Brendan Murphy <bmurphy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ftcdev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:15:31 -0600

Beta 15 preview 7 has been uploaded to the web site.


With ths preview, there are no known bugs left. Let me know ASAP
if you find a bug with this preview.

Here's what is new with this preview...

- Removed the the support for writing out jpegs to an RTF file.
Instead, PNGs will be written out since they are a lossless
format. This simplifies things and makes the RTF library dependent
on only one plugin call.

- I have created a module called "FTCPluginMethods" to isolate
calls to plugin methods and any future plugin calls to this
module. This way you can locate and change the implementation of
these plugin calls without affecting the FTC base code. In the
future it may be possible to include more plugin functionality
that will speed up the FTC and yet allow you to stay plugin free
as you see fit just by setting some constants. I have also added a
module called "FTCConfiguration" to support this concept. In
version 1.0 it won't be used other than it exists and allows me to
implement optimizations through plugins in the future. So I can
provide an RB only solution and a plugin solution and allow you
the developer to decide how you want it configured.

- Implemented reading and writing margin and page size attributes
for RTF documents.

- Fixed a bug with internally reseting caches which would cause
the output to be formatted incorrectly.

- Fixed a problem where the background color was inadvertently set
when there was no background color. This would happen when you
delete a text and then type new text and then select it.

- Fixed a problem with line wrapping due to not reseting an
internal cache correctly.

FTC Website: www.truenorthsoftware.com/Realbasic/FormattedText.html
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