FRTM - Re: The Great Debate

  • From: dirk@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: frtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, "EVP Club" <d26-evpclub@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 08:16:01 -0700

I too wanted to express my gratitude that this event took place.  Lori & Jeff took an unusual approach to addressing the resolution and it was obvious that a great deal of research went into their presentations.  Thank you my friends for stepping up and being our opponents.  I was proud to be on the stage with you.
I will say that everyone grows leaps and bounds by doing things like this.  Look around at all the people you know, professionally and personally.  Aside from any trial lawyers and school kids in this pool, is there anyone else who you know who, for fun and in an effort to better themselves, does these sorts of exercises?  When I've told my circle of friends about studying for this event, they just look at me and say "Tell me again, why are you doing this???"
We had 46 people in attendance in a huge venue with a stage and microphone.  Speaking in our Toastmasters club is fun and rewarding, but the rubber hits the road when you get out of your comfy-warm environment and enter a new venue with a different audience and have to plan and adjust to the new variables.  My friends, if you are not pushing yourselves, you are not growing and this experience accelerates this learning and growth opportunity.
I propose that the Front Range club host the next debate in mid-February and we challenge the Tri-Town club.  I also suggest that the debators are people who have not yet played this game and that the people who participated in this contest mentor the next contestants so that some of the knowledge that we've gained can be passed on to others and the new participants can also grow.  I will say, it takes commitment to research, study, plan, and meet with your partner.  I probably spent 20 hours working on this over the month and about the same for Ray.  Therefore, whoever steps up needs to have the bandwidth to make the commitment.
(Note to the EVP club members who are also on the distribution list - either of our clubs would certainly entertain doing the same with you.  This experience is just too beneficial to keep to ourselves and it's simply a matter of coordination.  The monetary cost to do this is minimal.)
I thought that the middle school class who attended were very interested and attentive.  I spoke with Kim before the meeting and again afterward.  As Jeff said in his Table Topic response, he just wishes that he had gotten involved with the Toastmasters game earlier in his life.  Here are kids practicing this art which will help them for their entire lives.
Penny, Lori, Jeff, Paul, Steve, Pat, Lori, the judges (I don't know who all of you were), food committee, etc. - Thank you very much for playing your parts.  You make this happen with style.  ...and to Ray (my debate partner)... you rock buddy!
Dirk Kittredge
Educational Vice President
Front Range Toastmasters Club
Double Talk Toastmasters Club 

Friends and Fellow Debaters,
                                         What a stupendous event last night.  History was made,  summarized, and recorded in only a couple of hours.  I would like extend a big thank you to Dirk and Ray for graciously agreeing to our challenge; they are debaters and speakers of such caliber that their appearance alone confers honor; they are celebrities in the Toastmaster universe.  Thanks to Penny Romito, our facilitator for securing our site and organizing behind the scenes work; Thank you to Pat Haugse for contributing such professionalism and auspice to the role of toastmaster;  to Lori High for her head judgeship; to all of our judges and counters, Paul Dalbec for timing; Steve Dalbec for recording the event for posterity; Annamarie for a smashing cake, and to all others who humbly did what was needed. 
I am glad to hear Kim Johnson's future toastmasters enjoyed the dynamic of the debate.  Future leaders need to see others in action and competition whets the mind and aspirations of both participants and audience.  It is one thing for our collegues to talk in appreciation about us or an event, but an entirely other level when young adults are inspired to express the same. 
Finally, I have awe and appreciation for Jeff Priestley who volunteered to cover for Celena. That was a job tremendously done to catch up only five days before a debate and hit the field running.  He was a tremendous source of inspiration and comfort in the storm.
Yours, with great pride and affection,
Lori Saine
Tri-Town Toasters
President 2009-2010

 PS> Pieces of the excellent documentary on the political spectrum I used in the debate is available in part on youTube:

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