[foxboro] Multi-Head FV Scripting

  • From: "Targosky, Richard S." <rstargosky@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "'foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 10:48:34 -0400

Hello List -
We are running Foxview on window stations.  Most of our WPs are multi-head 
machines.  We want to have all the assigned displays open on boot-up or 
re-start of Foxview.

We have been using a script as proposed by the Invensys HH1060

2nd_fv  ==

if [ $DMNAME = $GCLBUG ]

Then at the bottom of the fv_cmds we call the 2nd_fv script.

We use mostly four headed stations.   The script would bring up all four heads 
(as long as the license count from sys_def and the DM count in dmcfg were OK).  
However - we would always get that pesky "Foxview unavailable - OK?" pop-up.

We wanted to try to eliminate this pop-up so we hammered on this script.

The first line "if [ $DMNAME = $GCLBUG ]  " does not act as a comparison - it 
is ALWAYS true.  Therefore, the foxview call gets made every time you run 
fv_cmds.  If you use this script, you will several "sh.exe" processes running 
in the Task_Mgr - one for each Foxview session you have created.  We avoid this 
in our script by use of the "&" to spawn the foxview task.

Here is the script as we have modified it -


if [ $DMNAME == $GCLBUG ]
                                         cessions=`grep -c "$GCLBUG" 
                                         while [ $a -lt $cessions ]
/opt/fox/wp/FoxView/foxview.exe &
                                                             a=`expr $a + 1`


This script will run only when being called from "Head#1".  It will open all DM 
Sessions that are assigned to this station.  Note that your dmcfg file must 
actually assign the DM session to the station for the script to work.  If the 
station name is "-" against a DM session name, then the grep will not find that 
DM name.

By starting the count at 1 (a=1), we take head#1 (GCLBUG)  into account.

If you want to eliminate the "Foxview not Available - OK?" pop-up - then you 
can use this modified script.

Rick Targosky
PPG Industries

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Other related posts:

  • » [foxboro] Multi-Head FV Scripting - Targosky, Richard S.