[foxboro] Does compound reload still == block init?

  • From: Corey R Clingo <corey.clingo@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 09:33:30 -0500

While one of my plants is down for a turnaround, I went ahead and ran a 
few icc scripts through the system to set the alarm destinations (GRmDVn) 
in the compounds appropriately. I waited for an outage to do this because 
I had tried something similar once before and had a trip in one section of 
the plant -- though, in hindsight, I assumed that TIMINI would be set to 3 
on all the CALCish blocks, and it wasn't in most cases, and I think that 
was the cause of the trip (we all know what happens when you assume :).

Because of that experience, I had waited until a turnaround to run these 
scripts. I am currently under the presumption that modifying a parameter 
in a compound and reloading the compound definition would cause all the 
compound's blocks to initialize. However, I watched several blocks while 
running these scripts and never saw any momentary smurfing. I know that's 
not a good test, you don't always see the insta-smurf, but I was just 
wondering if the whole compound reload == block init thing is still true. 
I'm at IA version 6.5.3

If it is still true, I may consider switching to station alarming. I 
didn't want to really, as that means the *GP parameter will need to be 
changed on every block. But we will likely be making further changes to 
our alarm destinations as we move forward with alarm management, and we 
only have turnarounds every 4-5 years :)

Corey Clingo

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Other related posts:

  • » [foxboro] Does compound reload still == block init? - Corey R Clingo