[foxboro] AIM* OPC servers - how do you handle timezone?

  • From: Chris Browder <chris_browder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 06:27:02 -0800 (PST)

There was some discussion recently on using the AIM*
OPC servers.  How do you all recommend or actually
implement your architecture to get around the timezone
problem in IA?

Let's pretend we have and AW70 w/ AIM* OPC server and
a standard OPC Client on a different (windows)

[AW70 w/ AIM*OPC server w/ GMT timezone] <---->
[windows box w/ OPC Client w/ EST timezone]

A standard OPC Client will not display the values with
the correct timestamp as the OPC server will present
the data with a timestamp of GMT.  

The simplest solution is to change the timezone on the
AW70 to what your actual timezone.  However, to my
knowledge this is NOT a supported configuration as
explicitly stated in the IA Documentation.

You could change all your clients to GMT, but who
wants to do that?

You could keep your IA system in GMT w/ clients in
EST, but then you'd have to change your IA system to
the time it really is in GMT.  And who wants to do

You could cludge an OPC client to ignore timezone, but
then you won't be able to use standard vendor stuff
and basically defeats the purpose of OPC. And who
wants to do that?

just wonderin'


chris browder

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  • » [foxboro] AIM* OPC servers - how do you handle timezone?