[fct-java-geeks] Overused XML

  • From: Tom Adams <tom.adams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: FCT Geeks <fct-java-geeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 13:29:33 +1000

One of my pet hates. The phrase "When you solve a problem with XML you
now have two problems" springs to mind...

"XML is overused.

I'm not sure why. I suspect it is because that XML is standardized and
because of the prevalent attitude that all things with a W3C standard
are good.

However, there are many times XML is selected to represent data or
(worse) behavior where that selection is a poor decision. The best
examples of this mistake are programming languages that are XML: Ant,
NAnt, XSLT, and VoiceXML, for a few."


tom adams
p: +61.7.3011.7509 | e: tom.adams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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  • » [fct-java-geeks] Overused XML