[etni] Re: New Bagrut-2004

  • From: "Maxine" <maxine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <janjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 20:47:41 +0200

**** ETNI on the web http://www.etni.org.il   http://www.etni.org   ****

I read Janette's comments and feel she raised some valid points.
 Pupils compared answers after one module and got panicky if they thought
they'd given the wrong answer (keeping in mind that the questions had point
values of up to 10 POINTS, which is still to the pupils 10 points even if we
explain to them that it's actually only worth 3 points in the end).   This
made them much more stressed and less confident
when beginning the next module, which could definitely affect their
performance.    I don't think the impact of this on pupils should be
underestimated.   What can be done I'm not sure but  it's a problem that
should be addressed.    In addition, though some might regard this as a
petty complaint, giving such high point values to questions puts pupils
under great stress, knowing if they answer a question wrong that's already 8
or 10 points off.  I realize that with the Modular system not much can be
done about this - other than giving three times as many questions!    - but
I guess that what I'm saying is that to my mind  this Modular Bagrut system
is just plain ridiculous.   Maybe I'll just have to get used to it.   I
suppose one can get used to anything.   I just have just one question:

P.S.:  With all that said, I must say there were pupils who gave positive
feedback about the new system, saying taking breaks between modules was a
lot less tiring than doing the whole exam in one 3-hour stretch.   However,
that I heard after the Matkonet exam,  which was in the

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janet" <janjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: [etni] New Bagrut-2004

> **** ETNI on the web http://www.etni.org.il   http://www.etni.org   ****
> I would like to be a free spirit and give my views on the new bagrut test:
> 1. How sad that after so many years of hard work we are presented in
module G with a good text - with just 4-  questions. Is there a possibility
that in future years there will be less questions?{I always thought that our
job was to help our students  be excellent at reading comprehension - I
believe we have lost some of this excellence when what concerned ALL our
students was the amount of marks awarded for each answer)
> 2. Why wasn't module G given first - instead of last? - the students were
exhausted by 7.00 Is there an educational reason for putting the hardest
paper last?
> 3.The essay topic on voting implies the students have some prior knowledge
on citizenship. Students learn this in the 12th grade - many students in
grade 11 found the topic fair - but were concerned they didn't have enough
good background knowledge.
> 4. The texts we all felt - for modules E,F and G  were fair -and so were
most of the qustions.
> 5. I wonder why there was a question related to what is "humorous" - this
has been a problem in the past. Someone might even think what I'm writing is
funny(?) The teachers in our school could not agree on the writer's tone -
and the teachers were all Anglo - Saxon. Perhaps we are over "sentimental"?
> 6. The half an hour break between the modules was a psychological trauma
for the students. They came out - shared their answers - and went into
instant despair or elation. Some of the girls tracked their final grade as
the exam progressed- they were so up tight! Is there any chance of reducing
the break to15- 20 minutes to avoid this kind of hysteria.
> 7.To make sure that no-one misunderstands the tone of my letter - I would
like to add again- that I personally think a lot of people worked very hard
to put together the EFG texts and questions: and I think they did a good
> 8. Dear Judy Steiner - I'm sure you have realized that all the hundreds of
questions addressed to you over the last year were because we English
teachers first and formost want to succeed and we want our students to have
the best possible chances of success.I personally would value your response
on the issues I raised. sincerely, Janette Segal, Raanana
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