[etni] Fwd: Fwd: LD adjustment of bagrut tests being read to students

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 18:09:26 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adi Orian <austenorian@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [etni] Fwd: LD adjustment of bagrut tests being read to students

The school gets a cd, the student sits in front of a computer with
headphones (up to you to limit internet access)
Matkonet - use the ecb cds

Dr. Adi Orian, PhD.

Carol wrote:
> Does anyone know how learning disabled students who have the
> "adjustment" of bagrut tests being read to them (הקלה של הקראת שאלון)
> are able to hear their tests?
> Previously, they were requested to bring CD players with them to the
> exams.  Nowadays it is almost impossible to purchase these devices.
> Are MP3 files made available to them?  How do they obtain them and
> what is used to play the files?
> In the near future, some of my students will be taking their
> "matkonet" exams, so they to be prepared as soon as possible.
> Any suggestions?
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