[etni] Fw: questionnaire

  • From: "Ask" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:20:11 +0200

----- Original Message ----- From: Ramon Lewis - r.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: tentative wording

Dear Fellow teachers,

Those of you who attended the July ETAI conference in Jerusalem would know that I presented there research conducted in Australia, Israel and China
(see article - http://www.etni.org/teachers/ramon/strategies.doc ).

Together with some Israeli and Chinese colleagues, I am using the research to develop appropriate Professional Development sessions for teachers. While in Israel, I have twice had the opportunity to conduct some in-service sessions for English speaking staff in schools. They seemed well received so I am hoping that my area of research and teaching seems relevant to your needs. The research and in-service programs aim to assist staff who are making too much use of counterproductive classroom discipline strategies like yelling in anger, name-calling and sarcasm, and according to the teachers surveyed, there are substantial numbers in both Australia and Israel. Teachers who use any of these strategiesfind the experience stressful, not particularly helpful, but hard to prevent.

The current stage of my investigations involve examining why teachers think they, or colleagues, use counterproductive discipline strategies like yelling in anger and sarcasm, and what sort of support would be required to reduce the frequency of such teacher behaviour in schools.

While at ETAI  30 teachers completed my current survey

and I have been given permission to approach you via the ETNI website. I am hoping you will devote approximately 10 minutes of your time to help move the research forward and to help shape the nature of professional development programs to be offered both in Israel and Australia.

All you would need to do is log in, download the questionnaire

and submit to r.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I thank you in advance. As an incentive I will return email a draft chapter from a new book to be published in 2007, outlining a range of useful management strategies. If you find the material and questionnaire of interest please let your colleagues know.


Ramon Lewis

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  • » [etni] Fw: questionnaire