[etni] Fw: handicaps/ National Geographic

  • From: "Ask Etni" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Etni" <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:11:46 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Esther Revivo - estherrv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: handicaps/ National Geographic

Hi! I just returned home from a 3 week family visit to the USA; great to be 

Firstly, to those on Walla not getting Etni mail. My suggestion: get another 
free mail account elsewhere. I did this because for some strange reason, my 
brother never got my mail sent via Yahoo! He is Yahoo as well. Moreover, he 
is a genius who works in silicon valley, CA. and even he couldn't explain 
this. It's actually convenient having 2 mailboxes; some forums I have sent 
here, others to Yahoo.

Rana, I agree with you that writing about handicaps in general is simply too 
general  and would be extremely difficult to boot. My coordinator had a 
pupil deal with stuttering; its social ramifications; treatments; etc. (This 
brilliant pupil herself stutters.) I believe she got a 100 on her project. I 
think you are right: have them, as you wrote ," ...research handicap in 
general with referance to handicaped people's feelings towards their society 
and family, and the way society deal with these people." However, let them 
choose blindness; limping; a specific learning disability; etc. instead of 
talking about handicaps in general.

Regarding a question about use of National Geographic: I have had for many 
years a huge bag of all kinds of pictures cut out from magazines, stapled to 
cardboard. (Wanted to laminate them, but the school couldn't afford to....; 
sound familiar?)
 Sometimes when we learn/ review something in grammar, I give a pile of 
pictures to a group of girls and have them write sentences/ paragraphs using 
whatever grammatical point we're reviewing. Then, each group will show a 
picture or two and read to the class what they have written. The pupils love 
the pics, and National Geographic has the most gorgeous photos. Lucky you to 
have this magazine!

Of course, before cutting them up, I would put aside articles on certain 
topics you think might be useful for projects.  BTW, their website has a 
section for children which is great for weaker pupils writing about animals; 
the environment; etc. (i.e. Why is the panda becoming extinct?)

Glad you bagrut markers had life made bearable. Kol Ha'kavod for not giving 
in! They need you much more than the reverse!

Have a lovely August,folks! Esther Revivo

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  • » [etni] Fw: handicaps/ National Geographic