[etni] [FWD: Proctoring Bagrut]

  • From: ask@xxxxxxxx
  • To: etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 22:00:52 -0700

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 -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Proctoring Bagrut
 From: "Barbara or Yaacov Ori" <ojacob@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Dear Adinah and anyone else who thinks it would be a good idea for the
 English teachers to become Bagrut proctors:
 1.  The English staff in my school already saves the country a lot of
 money.  Figure it out mathematically.  Every orally tested student sits
 with her/his teacher-let's say a minimum of eight to ten hours a year (
 tests, book reports, quizzes, magen,,,)and in my school we are not paid
 for even one of those hours.  Then there are the tapes- we make them
 ourselves in our home recording studios not to mention often buying the
 cassettes since the students usually forget to bring them and the
 school refuses to give us any.  Then we have the projects- most of us
 sat at least once with each student privately to direct them.. Then we
 have computer use-Internet (ETNI, REED) and using our computers to type
 tests and other materials for class ( and often printing them out for
 the whole class because of limited use of the photocopy machines)
,,Need I go on? And this happens in almost every school..Add up the
 numbers.. If we were getting paid for all of this work, then perhaps,,
 2.  Using teachers is problematic because all you need is for one
 teacher to be accused of helping a student during a test and the whole
 profession's reputation will be wiped out..We know how things go
 3.  The solution is for the Ministry to have the proctors work in teams
 that are briefed by the school before and not at the last minute and
 that are familiar with the layout of the school and with the
 requirements of the exam. This is especially true now for the New
 Modular Bagrut in English and in Math. The numbers of students that
 will be taking these exams in particular is much higher than in the old
 system. Having teams will assure that everyone knows what to do and who
 is going to do it,,Each team should consist of dependable people who
 have signed a contract which will explicitly state that if they in any
 way help a student to cheat on an exam they will face charges.. 
 Anyway, putting it mildly, we have enough to deal with!
Shabbat Shalom - Barbara Ori

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