[etni] Cheating

  • From: Barry Praag <bpraag1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:50:25 +0200

Good morning to one and all on this wintry weekend,
I wholeheartedly agree with you David with regard to cheating being a
consequence of the system. Of course not all kids cheat, in fact the large
majority don't.
Those who do are under pressure to succeed no matter what. As a school
counsellor I meet many kids who simply collapse under the weight of work,
exams, tests, projects etc etc. In the main these kids are good pupils who
have great difficulty in dealing with the amount of subjects being studied
at the same time. Of course all the symptoms of exam phobia  can raise
their ugly heads at any age but seem to be  especially prominent in the
10-12th grades .

In my humble opinion we should adopt a system whereby kids do not have to
study so many subjects for "bagrut" and are allowed far more choice in what
they study. It goes without saying that there should be a large
reinvestment in schools teaching practical subjects such as plumbing,
electrics, carpentry, car mechanics and anything else that will give kids
who are not, for various reasons, academically inclined at that particular
time in their lives.

My ideal school would combine the best of both the academic worlds and the
real world and give all of our kids a chance to succeed.

Have a safe and warm weekend
Barry Praag
Har Vagai

From: "David R. Herz" <davidrherz@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [etni] Cheating
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 09:40:52 +0200

Cheating is the consequence of an educational system (and those who support
it) that puts other things before learning and good values.  I would suggest
that the student be acknowledged for his/her ingenuity, be advised that the
teacher is not as naïve as the student thinks (i.e. we?ve been there, we
know how to cheat too), and ask the student if this is really how he or she
wants to be known, that is as someone who can not be trusted to do his own
work and sneaks around and is willing to do whatever is convenient to serve
his own needs.

Yours Truly,

David R. Herz

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
Winnie the Pooh
Pooh's Little Instruction Book

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