[etni] Re: A Response to Sharon Tzur - The Literature Pilot

  • From: "Nira Artzy" <arnira@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 11:05:10 +0200 (���� ���� �������)

I'd like to add my concern about the fact that 4 points students will also
do a Literature module instead of Module D. There was no pilot for 4 pts
students, as far as I know. Hoe can the program be implemented without a
suitable pilot?
I assume 4 pts teachers will have to choose the log option in order to teach
literature suitable to their students' level. I also assume this option
requires students to do a lot of writing. I teach in a small school away
from the center. Our students can't afford private tutors and the school can
t afford extra lessons (we have 4 lessons a week) for the many weak students
who can hardly write. These students barely pass Modue D and are saved by
their grades in C and E + the Oral exam. I don't see how our 4 pts students
will be able to do all the writing required by the literature module and I
wonder why no one on the list has commented on that. 

I hope I'm wrong and that some thought has already been given to the 4 pts
students and the requirements from them. I also hope there will be more
hours for them. Otherwise, I'm very pessimistic.

-------Original Message-------
From: David Graniewitz
Date: 25/02/2009 06:44:18
To: agarti@xxxxxxxxxxxx;  etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [etni] Re: A Response to Sharon Tzur - The Literature Pilot
I was plesaed to read that Aviv has so many positive things
to say about the upcoming literature module. However, I do
have a couple of questions about what she wrote.
1. Aviva writes that her pupils were given 5 hours of
English a week and that was not enough. What will happen in
those schools (such as the 2 in which I teach) where only 4
hours a week are allocated? If 5 hours was not enough for
Aviva, what are the rest of us to do?
2. The issue of the workload was brought up. Given the fact
that the F and G modules are basically the same, getting rid
of one should not, in theory, cut down on the amount of
preperation time needed. How will getting rid of the F
module cut down our workload?
It must be stated thast there is still a great amount of
apprehension about the new module amongst teachers that I
have spoken to or corresponded with.
David Graniewitz
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