[espeak-gaeilge] Update on some stuff going on in the Dropbox environment

  • From: RobbieS <robbiesin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: espeak-gaeilge <espeak-gaeilge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:16:48 +0100

Hi all,

The serious bug in the last release has been fixed and will be
incorporated into the next general release of NVDA expected today.

Ronan or Cearbhall will doubtless give more details to the list
confirming when this happens.

In the meantime, we've finished translating the locale.  The file in
which this work was done is called Finish Translation of Locale.doc
and can be found in Dropbox/eSpeak/Nvda.

We have begun another file called Amendments to Translation of locale
to be found in the same folder.  If anyone has any proposed amendments
to the locale translation, they can write them in this file or else,
of course, post to this list.

On my last calculation, I underestimated the amount of work done by
Kevin.  I'd say he has done about two thirds of the initial
translating work, and many thanks and plaudits are due to him.

In the same NVDA folder, I've begun another file called Suggested
Amendments to Pronunciation, which is self-explanatory and open to all
for contributions.

I have replaced foclóir g-b.doc with a better-edited version.  The
downside to this is that I've had to take away the colour-coding for
my own accessibility and this dictionary uses the briathar táite
(condensed verb) instead of the Standard/Caighdeán split verb
(briathar scartha).  Corrections of typos etc. to the dictionaries are
ongoing, and I do intend to re-introduce the Caighdeán alternative to
foclóir g-b, and colour-coded versions of all at some stage.I've also
begun marking up the dictionaries so that eSpeak-ga will speak each
respective language as it ought to.

Enough about dictionaries, I'll send a message to the list concerning
them in a few weeks.  help is needed for the completion of the OCR
digitisation of Ó Dónaill.

Finally, yesterday was the first time I've been able to use the latest
version of eSpeak.ga in all its full Gaelic apparel.  Overall, I'm
surprised at how impressive the speech-quality and accuracy is.  imo.
the improvements to be applied from here in will be tweaks rather than
rennovations.  We may need to look at sourcing and using recorded
phonemes of the various letters l, r and t in particularbut I'm
talkin' icing on the cake here.

Plans are now afoot to link eSpeak.ga to braille interfaces, but since
I'm no techie, I'll not be able to say anything of value on the
subject for the time being.



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  • » [espeak-gaeilge] Update on some stuff going on in the Dropbox environment - RobbieS