Alliance of Mist Guild meeting minutes of Dec 7 2002

  • From: "Chirichella Lomarcan" <yssario@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <eq.aom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 00:45:40 -0600

Since I was drafted in to position of Guild Secretary as well as being Minister 
of Finance, I pulled the guildchat out of my log and am posting it here for 
everyone to have a copy.

On second thought however, I am delegating the secretariol functions to Oreilys.

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:40 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ok all, we are no 
officially calling this meeting to order.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:42 2002] Galladriell tells the guild, 'lol'

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:53 2002] Arhan tells the guild, 'what guy'

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:54 2002] You say to your guild, 'I canna be secytary, I more 
the executive type'

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:55 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'alrite gyz we gettin 
meetin started?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:00:56 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I would like to start by 
thanking all of you that came to the meeting.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:01 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'k im listening'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:08 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'hey all'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:19 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I hope that all of you 
have made it to the website to go over the rules.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:20 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'anytime TIl'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:30 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'i did'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:36 2002] You say to your guild, 'Follow, there's a druid on 
the way, name of Nekkwin'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:52 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I know that most of you 
have gone to and signed up there, as a reminder if you haven't 
done that, please do so.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:01:57 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'k tell him im on orc 

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:03 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'it will assist in keeping 
a proper registar of all members.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:09 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'metting start?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:16 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'yes'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:16 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'yup'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:35 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'can someone pick me up i am 
headed to NK now'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:44 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I would like to introduce 
the officers of the guild, and the position that they hold.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:51 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'got to go to bathroom'

[Sat Dec 07 20:02:56 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'sorry i am late like i said 
my moms gettin married i got my stuff done early'

[Sat Dec 07 20:03:23 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I'll start with 
Maggiemae, she is second in command. My right hand. If I am not on, and you 
need someone with the authority of the leader talk to her.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:03:32 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Come on your holding us up'

[Sat Dec 07 20:03:48 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Not you'

[Sat Dec 07 20:03:53 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'sorry'

[Sat Dec 07 20:03:58 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'NOt you sir sorry to 

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:07 2002] Kyro tells the guild, 'Please guys. Til should be 
the ONLY one talking in guild chat'

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:17 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'now for Lago and Tae, the 
are the recruiters for the guild. If you have someone you would like to 
recommend for entrance into the guild, talk to them.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:26 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Plese continue'

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:44 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'there will no however be 
a stricter policy for entrance which I will go over later int he meeting.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:46 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Hang on'

[Sat Dec 07 20:04:54 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Me adding to f list'

[Sat Dec 07 20:05:20 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'next is Chirrichela he is 
the sec treas. He will hold all guild donated money (aka someone actually has 
to donate).'

[Sat Dec 07 20:05:35 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'this money will be used 
for purchasing rez's, gems, etc that are used on raids.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:06:39 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'next is Nicodaemous he is 
the guilds raid coordinator for lower levels, aka 40 and below. If you haqve 
any ideas of raids go to him.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:07:26 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'next is Vaeelven, if you 
have an issue with another guild member, someone that has wronged you in some 
way, you will talk with him.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:07:40 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'he will then consult me 
and we will take action.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:09:38 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'next is garlain, he is 
the raid coordinator for upper levels. He will be assisted by Moppling. They 
however share an account/computer so if you have any ideas talk to either one 
of them. If one isn't on the other one usually is.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:11:19 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'i made it yah'

[Sat Dec 07 20:11:30 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Shh '

[Sat Dec 07 20:12:06 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'please hold.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:12:13 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Yes sir'

[Sat Dec 07 20:14:29 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ok, now on to the rules..'

[Sat Dec 07 20:14:49 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'the most significant 
change is the no anon/role play rule. '

[Sat Dec 07 20:14:59 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'this will be strickly 

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:10 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'whats that?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:26 2002] Sylarius tells the guild, 'cant have anon or 
roleplay on'

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:35 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'at the same time'

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:42 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ever'

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:50 2002] Vaeelven tells the guild, 'cant have them turned on'

[Sat Dec 07 20:15:59 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'ok'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:05 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'i never do anyway'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:05 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'what does roleplay do'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:18 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'there will be no using 
those options with the exception of the follow: you are in trader mode, afk or 
in a raid with another guild, you are then allowed to use roelplay, and 
roleplay only.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:24 2002] Maggiemae tells the guild, 'makes it easier to see 
who all might be at lvl for helping others)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:28 2002] You say to your guild, 'If I can deal with constant 
demands for crack, then yall can deal with 'em too'

[Sat Dec 07 20:16:49 2002] You say to your guild, 'that in mind, anyone askin' 
for crack gits nothin' ;)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:17:05 2002] Maggiemae tells the guild, 'it's brain food)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:17:06 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'crak kills antway'

[Sat Dec 07 20:17:25 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'yes sir'

[Sat Dec 07 20:18:34 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'on to new recruits and 
policies there for.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:18:47 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'any new recruit will be 
need to be sponsered by a member.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:18:58 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Sponsered?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:08 2002] You say to your guild, 'hafta pay entry fee, pay me'

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:14 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'what does that meen'

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:17 2002] You say to your guild, 'kiddin'!'

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:32 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'sponserd means someone in 
the guild suggests ther entry'

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:52 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'wait i got in without being 

[Sat Dec 07 20:19:55 2002] Hardehar tells the guild, 'so if they're a jerk it's 
on you ;)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:20:06 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'those are the rules NOW 

[Sat Dec 07 20:20:13 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'ahh i c'

[Sat Dec 07 20:20:38 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'if you think you have a 
possible canidate for the guild, you will need to talk with the recruiting 

[Sat Dec 07 20:21:15 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'we have in place a plan 
of grouping with the sponser for one week, then one day with an officer, then 
they will be invited into the guild for a probationary period of 2 weeks.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:21:42 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'if after two weeks they 
prove to be an asset to the guild and don't get into any trouble...they will be 
removed form probation.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:22:11 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'all alts will be admited 
into the guild reguardless of level, however new recruits will need to be of 
level 10 or higher.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:22:51 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'new recruits will be sent 
on a quest by the officer int eh group. The quest will test thier abilities and 
knowledge of the game.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:23:02 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'and will be suited to 
their particular level.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:23:51 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'will they be random quests?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:23:57 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Shh'

[Sat Dec 07 20:24:00 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'yes they will be random 

[Sat Dec 07 20:24:58 2002] Galladriell tells the guild, 'so not my fauilt sorry'

[Sat Dec 07 20:25:19 2002] Vaeelven tells the guild, 'hes a menace, dont worry 
about it'

[Sat Dec 07 20:25:23 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ok back.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:25:41 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'now for basic rules.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:25:56 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'there will be no swearing 
in guild chat, this is a family and NOT a bar.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:25:56 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'someone heal gall she is at 
62 health if he spawns again and attacks her she dies'

[Sat Dec 07 20:27:55 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'you will respect the 
other members of the guild. '

[Sat Dec 07 20:28:27 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'there will be no more 
beggin of items, if an officer has items to give out, they will do so according 
to need.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:29:06 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'i don't mean to 
interrupt but I still don't know how to get where you guys are'

[Sat Dec 07 20:29:34 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'quick question will we do 
something with our names or something that allows us to tell when there someone 
in our guild near us, like when i see someone ill be able to tell their in my 

[Sat Dec 07 20:29:36 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'if there is a raid, loot 
will be handed out in the same manor, if it is not needed, it will be placed in 
teh guild hold till someone needs it or it is sold at auction for money for the 
guild treasury.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:09 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'if you look around you 
now, you will see that all have the marker alliance of mist in <>...'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:17 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'that will tell you who is 
in your guild.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:22 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'do i??'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:29 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'yes'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:31 2002] Vaeelven tells the guild, 'yes'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:31 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'push f9'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:35 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'are you in the guild'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:41 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'cool!!'

[Sat Dec 07 20:30:45 2002] You say to your guild, 'type /showname 0'

[Sat Dec 07 20:31:34 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'we are still looking for 
someone to be the guilds web master.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:31:53 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'should you be interested 
in this position contact either Tae or Lago.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:01 2002] Sylarius tells the guild, 'I dont know a LOT about 
Web but I am Willing to Help with that'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:09 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Same here'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:11 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'me also'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:12 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'i am ok with web pages'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:24 2002] Vendian tells the guild, 'i can probably make a good 
site...i know'

[Sat Dec 07 20:32:32 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'i can do it i know html 

[Sat Dec 07 20:33:03 2002] Kyro tells the guild, 'I could probably make a 
really cool flash intro'

[Sat Dec 07 20:33:17 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'me and my brother (kyro) 
know some stuff, you can contact us if you need to'

[Sat Dec 07 20:33:41 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'we have made many webpages 
before. so we know what were doing.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:34:23 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'me and my sis have 
three web pages so i know wat im doin'

[Sat Dec 07 20:34:43 2002] Sylarius tells the guild, 'please continue Tiladian'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:01 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'can we stop the talking 
until after meeting'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:02 2002] Ovarian tells the guild, 'he will officers 
discusssin somethin'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:18 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'can anyone get me to wc'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:34 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Where R U Land?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:51 2002] You say to your guild, 'he in GFay'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:53 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ok'

[Sat Dec 07 20:35:55 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'in front of felwick'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:13 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'let the man talk plz'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:15 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Go to BB Druid Ring'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:29 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Sry'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:29 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'can we stop the talking'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:36 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'darsh will lead the web 
master position, he will work with all that have offered up assistance, please 
send him a tell and let him know your email address etc.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:36:41 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'i dont know where that 

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:01 2002] Maggiemae tells the guild, 'has everyone signed in 
at the sites?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:12 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'i havent'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:13 2002] Landaeniel tells the guild, 'i'm a member trying to 
get to the meeting'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:15 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'not yet!'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:19 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'i have'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:20 2002] Galladriell tells the guild, 'no not yet but i will 

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:27 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'i did'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:33 2002] Canious tells the guild, 'Yes I have.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:38:49 2002] Maggiemae tells the guild, 'those of u that haven't 
please do so)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:39:02 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'what was web site?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:39:13 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, ''

[Sat Dec 07 20:39:19 2002] Ovarian tells the guild, 'If any of yu need 
assistance during the weekday mornings I am usually on for anywhere from 1 to 3 
hours ... please feel free to holler at me'

[Sat Dec 07 20:40:25 2002] You say to your guild, 'you can leave a msg to me 
with Ummagumma or Oreilys at any time. Tells go to their own windows, I'll see 
'em if the accounts don't crash'

[Sat Dec 07 20:41:37 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'if no one has anymore 
questions, we'll end the meeting and let everyone get back to hunting.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:41:59 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'can i get a port to 

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:05 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'im sure Lunksy has a lot of 

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:13 2002] Taeweil tells the guild, 'hehe'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:14 2002] Nicodaemous tells the guild, 'question here'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:20 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'I like the Plan and 
Rulz...Good job Guys & gals'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:25 2002] Sylarius tells the guild, 'I am trying to learn as 
many of the langauges as possible... if anyone has time to teach their 
languages send me a tell please'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:39 2002] Lunksy tells the guild, 'Im good'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:42 2002] Sylarius tells the guild, 'Not today but in the 

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:46 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I would like the druids 
here that are able to port to please offer up ports to those that would like 

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:56 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'i got a question why did 
Lunksy kiss me'

[Sat Dec 07 20:42:56 2002] Nicodaemous tells the guild, 'why is it always 
raining in Cabalis, its an underground city ?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:00 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'I am going go to stay 
back a bit to take any questions that people might have.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:02 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'i need one'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:10 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'i would like to know what 
fastest way is to HHK from here'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:11 2002] Drazer tells the guild, 'LOL'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:12 2002] Arhan tells the guild, 'heh nobody wants to sit 
around and plot/hang out ;)?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:20 2002] Tanelor tells the guild, 'Im not in WC but my druid 
will port anyone anytime so if jermols on or this character send me a tell'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:26 2002] Ovarian tells the guild, 'I have a training in all 
of the languages available to me, so if any of yu want to practice yur 
languages I will be glad to help, hehe it wud help me to'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:27 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'lets fish'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:28 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Thru Kithicor'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:30 2002] Hardehar tells the guild, 'I can take you hazy'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:34 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'Shackle of Tynnonium 
everyone drool over my quest item....all i wanted to say'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:38 2002] Vendian tells the guild, 'can anyone port me to 
South Qeynos?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:45 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'alrite hardehar wher are 
you at friend?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:43:56 2002] Hardehar tells the guild, 'behind the crowd'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:01 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'need port to gfay'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:06 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'will we have regular 
meeting or days for group discussions??'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:08 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'i got a question why did 
Vendian kiss me???'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:10 2002] Iullaiani tells the guild, 'anyone going to Nexus, 
can I tag along. =)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:17 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'i got a question why did 
Lunksy kiss me???'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:21 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'sry'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:35 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'anyone going to gfay?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:38 2002] Vendian tells the guild, 'can someone plz port me to 
south Qeynos ?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:44:49 2002] Canious tells the guild, 'I need a port to gfay.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:45:15 2002] Tanelor tells the guild, 'right when I get a bind in 
Gfay Ill get my druid on and start porting'

[Sat Dec 07 20:45:53 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'i also wonna go to Qeynos'

[Sat Dec 07 20:45:54 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'is anyone porting to 

[Sat Dec 07 20:46:07 2002] Tanelor tells the guild, 'I will when I get a bind 
for this char'

[Sat Dec 07 20:46:28 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'if not is this a good 
place to be for lvl 11'

[Sat Dec 07 20:46:48 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'yes goodm lvl 11 zone'

[Sat Dec 07 20:47:15 2002] Hazymist tells the guild, 'haha i caught a rusty 

[Sat Dec 07 20:47:23 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'were is a good place to 
get xp and if so can anyone show me a way around wc for a little'

[Sat Dec 07 20:47:45 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'like were the tow is'

[Sat Dec 07 20:47:52 2002] Nicodaemous tells the guild, 'anyone need a large 

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:01 2002] Kyro tells the guild, 'I'll take it Nico'

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:08 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'i might change my name 
today or tomorrow, who should i contact to add my new name to guild??'

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:24 2002] Vendian tells the guild, 'CAN SOMEONE PORT ME TO 

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:32 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Im portin up to the 
Nexus...Anyone else need a ride?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:41 2002] Kyro tells the guild, 'Sweet, thanks'

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:43 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Sure Ven'

[Sat Dec 07 20:48:48 2002] Vaeelven tells the guild, 'make sure your invis 
Vendian, half elfs hate dark elfs'

[Sat Dec 07 20:49:08 2002] Vendian tells the guild, 'cansome make me invisable?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:49:14 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Yes'

[Sat Dec 07 20:49:32 2002] Bareba tells the guild, 'i can vendian'

[Sat Dec 07 20:49:44 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Anyone else need a port?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:49:55 2002] Plysenko tells the guild, 'Kildnex can u port me 

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:05 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Yup'

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:18 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'klindex can u port me 
to gfay'

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:29 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'hazy recomended you'

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:33 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Sorry Do not have Gfay 

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:54 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'can i get a port to 

[Sat Dec 07 20:50:57 2002] Galladriell tells the guild, 'wasn't that nice of my 
computer to wait to boot me until after the meeting lol'

[Sat Dec 07 20:51:12 2002] Taeweil tells the guild, 'Nice computer'

[Sat Dec 07 20:51:19 2002] Kilndex tells the guild, 'Plys Cant invite you till 
you disband'

[Sat Dec 07 20:51:20 2002] Skwirl tells the guild, 'i need port to gfay plz'

[Sat Dec 07 20:51:47 2002] Canious tells the guild, 'I need to get to gfar'

[Sat Dec 07 20:53:34 2002] Tiladian tells the guild, 'ok got room for 5 to 
port, if you want a port from me please hail.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:53:50 2002] Taeweil tells the guild, 'Hey you said no swearing'

[Sat Dec 07 20:53:59 2002] You say to your guild, 'we have peeps need ports to 
Gfay, wnyone goin' that way?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:01 2002] Followithe tells the guild, 'were can u port'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:10 2002] You say to your guild, 'hail Tae fer ports peeps'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:33 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'i have a suggestion. for the 
roster page, i was going to have it so when you click o nthe member name, it 
will show a picture of your EQ character...sound like a good idea?'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:41 2002] Taeweil tells the guild, 'A ranger porting hehe 
thats a good one.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:52 2002] Canious tells the guild, 'i need to go to gfay to.'

[Sat Dec 07 20:54:54 2002] Taeweil tells the guild, 'Very nice Darsh'

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:08 2002] Arhan tells the guild, 'can i get a portal to 

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:21 2002] Arhan tells the guild, 'er port ;)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:33 2002] Jerb tells the guild, 'nexus'

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:41 2002] Arhan tells the guild, 'nexus will work ;)'

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:42 2002] Canious tells the guild, 'BB is good enough'

[Sat Dec 07 20:55:45 2002] Darsh tells the guild, 'in that case, i need 
everyones EQ character picture emailed to me. if you do not wish to have your 
picture up there. dont send one. my email address is Tuscloud@xxxxxxxxx'

Other related posts:

  • » Alliance of Mist Guild meeting minutes of Dec 7 2002