Re: svg

  • From: Reboant <reboant@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:29:56 -0500

tooar wrote:


<>the difference is probably that e2 does detach from the terminal. you
can prevent that with the -n or --no-detach switch when you start e2.

Yep!! that was it.Knew there had to be away.Now I can run e2 as su without having to have an extra terminal open.


Got another small problem I've been meaning to ask you about.I've been

wanting to add a mount option in the context menu.Is there a way to do

this without a plugin?

sure, at least 2. you can edit the context menu in the config dialog.
there, add a line with the "<custom command>" action and put in "mount
%f" as argument. this will call mount on the currently selected file or
the other method (that i'd prefer) is to add another line to the
"<directory>" file type in the 'Filetype' section of the config dialog.
simple use "mount" as command. that should do it. then the mount line
will only appear for directories in the context menu.

All I needed was the proper syntax.Your second method makes more sense so I'll give that a shot.Might even add a "mount button" to the toolbar. :)


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