Re: Pre-Release: Updates-Issues

  • From: "Robert G. Ragosta" <RGRagosta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tpgww@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 21:19:56 -0400

Thank you for the responses and clarifications- most helpful. Observations 
and comments in return are:

1) Drag-n-Drop: was aware of the typical 'shift+' option (for move) and 
default drag option of copy; works AOK. However, the emelfm2 Usage notes 

   "Drag and drop can be performed, by selecting the item(s) you want to 
process, and then clicking the left or  middle mouse button and dragging to 
a location in either of the file lists. When you release the button, a menu 
will prompt you for the operation you want to perform 

Taking the Usage notes at "face-value" leads one to believe that the stated 
menu will appear WITHOUT any required key combo (alt+). This type of result 
would be exactly like Konqueror does its object(s) drag-n-drop, with an 
"automagically" appearing menu action selection list, after 'drop'. 
Observations on the 'alt+' actions are:

        - Works as stated; however
        - drag action must be initiated BEFORE 'alt+' key combo; then menu 
        - if not, 'alt+' combo results in whole window movement (as expected)

IMHO, this may be "functional" but not ergonomically efficient, and defeats 
the spontaneous utility of drag-n-drop.

2) OpenOffice extensions: OOo for V2.0 is adopting the OpenDocument 
extensions standard as follows. To allow prior versions accessibility to 
these files V1.1.n product is being updated in V1.1.5 to be able to read 
OpenDocument formatted files. Extensions are:

Master doc: odm
Writer:        odt (ott)
Calc:          ods (ots)
Impress:    odp (otp)
Draw:         odg (otg)
Formula:    odf
Database:  odb
HTML:        html (oth)
   note: (ot?) = template variant

Thanks again for your speedy responses and your continuing efforts on 
emelfm2- a FM that I'm just really beginning (after +2 years use) to 
appreciate the power of...

Robert G. Ragosta

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