[edi581] Database and spreadsheet

  • From: "Amy Kruppenbacher" <amykruppenbacher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: edi581@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 12:25:43 -0400

 Database   For a Science lesson, students could create a database of the
planets and fill in information about the distance away from sun, size, etc.
Then students can manipulate the information and sort to complete a
worksheet.   Students could use a database on the first day of shool to fill
in information about themselves. They could add their birthday, height, eye
color, hair color, boy/girl, etc. Then when the list is complete, students
are asked to filter  to find people who have similar characteristics as
them.This would be helpful to help students relate with others and see
simlarities among the new class members.     Spreadsheets   Students could
fill in a database that is already setup by the teacher. The columns include
the dates throughout the year. And the rows include the students names. Each
time a student goes to the computer to use the given software, they are
required to fill in how much time they spend on the computer. This is a nice
way to track computer use, instead of having students mark them on index
cards.  This also will add up the time for each student and allow the
teacherto keep track of over- or under-use.   I found a lesson online using
spreadsheets with 5th grade students to create pie graphs comparing
skittles.  The objective is for the child to learn how to create
spreadsheets, to chart the different colors in a package of Skittles. They
will collect data, create appropriate charts and use percentages to describe
Here is a copy of the link for the entire lesson.

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