[duxuser] Re: binders for brailled pages

  • From: Steve Dresser <s.dresser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 23:15:10 -0500

Well, the plastic combs are probably not quite as sturdy as steel rings, but they're a lot cheaper.


On Tuesday 12/2/03 22:39 Barbara Mandelbaum wrote:

I mean $8.00 per binder. I think I will have to look into another type of
putting our books together as it seems that the maker of the binder type we
had been using is being phased out. How do people like the comb binding
method? I assume that it is with two individual covers held in place with a
comb as opposed to a ring binder made of steel like a notebook which we had
been using.


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