[duxuser] Re: What's that Code?

  • From: Steve Dresser <s.dresser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:14:28 -0500


A block protect code will keep the heading and the text together. Block protect has a starting and an ending code. The starting code is [kps] and the ending code is [kpe]. However, you don't need any of that if you place a [pg] code before the header because the header will always start at the top of the page. Let me know if I'm missing something here.


On Friday 3/7/03 10:40 duxuser-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I am working on a document in which I want to make sure that the heading and the text it applies to remain together. Inserting a page code before the heading works, but every time I revise the document the location of that page break is subject to change. I know there's a way to keep the text and the heading together, but what is it and where do I find it?

Thanks to all of you.


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