[duxuser] Displaying an Index in Duxbury?

  • From: "Wayne Weismann" <wweisman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 07:43:57 +1000

As per subject, I am wanting to display an alphabetical index of recipes for
a book. The page numbers are print pages and the index was typed from the
book rather than created by Duxbury.

I requested that the transcriber place a tab between the recipe name and the
page number. As an aside, when the list style was applied in Word (as I had
requested) the page numbers were no longer right aligned.

Before importing to Duxbury, we globally replaced the tabs with [fr;p~".]
Shortcut Key Alt + F7. When imported the desired results displayed correctly 
the Duxbury print file.

However, in the braille file, although I had explicitly entered a right 
[rm6] before each list, the text frequently continued to the last cell and
the numbers appeared with leaders on the next line.

Because we are an Australian organisation, we use the UEB with Australian
Formatting template.

Upon inspection, I find The beginning codes of the list. style definition 
are [hi1:3:0:2:2]. I tried omitting the 0 (the third parameter) but the 
result was still the same.

I would be grateful for any help with this problem. Am I going about this 
the wrong way? What is a better method to achieve the desired result.

I eagerly await your comments!


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  • » [duxuser] Displaying an Index in Duxbury? - Wayne Weismann