[drivingpairs] Re: tandem questions

  • From: Carpediemfarm@xxxxxxx
  • To: drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:46:08 EDT

In a message dated 8/9/2006 11:51:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Subject: [drivingpairs] tandem question
Okay, back to multiple driving stuff now.

So I have a few questions. First of all, the only single vehicle that I have
right now is a Wilform jog cart (with a floor). It has a seat for two, but
itâ??s not very roomy. The horses love it because itâ??s light as a feather. . 
Should I try to
borrow a more traditional cart for these two classes or should I not worry
about it since itâ??s only a little show anyway?, I may be partially insane
but not totally. I just thought it might be educational for the spectators
to see a tandem. Our announcer is always a good sport about explaining

GO FOR IT!!  The Wilform will work, but its a heck of alot easier to drive 
tandem from a taller vehicle.  I've got a jog cart and drive tandem around the 
neighborhood, but I prefere my taller cart.  The lines are easier to handle 
when they come UP from the rein terrets and not DOWN along the butt.

Second question: Iâ??m trying to decide if I should practice one-handed or
two-handed driving more. 

I personall prefer one handed, however my ring finger falls asleep as the 
reins press on a nerve.  I would practice both ways so as to become comfortable 
and profecient either way.

Third question: In a pleasure driving class, is your groom allowed to
dismount and head the leader in the line-up? If so, should they be back in
the carriage when the judge comes along and asks for a rein-back?

The groom should stay on the ground and only remount when the vehicle is 
ready to pull out of the line-up.  The groom should also not handle the leader 
unless needed.  They should stand back from the leader at least an arm's length 

The bug has definitely bitten me.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Rachel Eldred

Vancouver Island, Canada
Hope this helps,

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