[donspatch] 2007-11-15

  • From: "Don Crowder" <don@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Don's Patch" <donspatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 23:56:10 -0600

Don's Patch #82,  November 15, 2007  from http://www.don-guitar.com

First word, from Don:

I've mentioned that I bought a WinXP computer on eBay which didn't
work and that I suspected the power supply.  I took it to a small shop
in Kingsland and, after a few minutes of testing, he suggested that the
motherboard was probably bad.  I passed this information on to the
vender and they sent me a Fedex pickup tag so the computer has now
returned from whence it cometh, at their expense.   According to them
they will now repair it or refund it.  More to come on that story (I hope).

I've bragged on these folks before but not nearly as much as they
deserve.  Paperbackswap dot com is like having the world's best
bookstore at your fingertips.    http://www.paperbackswap.com/
I've kept a constant string of books coming and going since I
signed up with them.  As well as keeping me in reading matter
(and I'm a voracious reader) I've kept Lisa supplied with books and
we were able to acquire over a $100 worth of technical books for
pennies on the dollar.  I'm so used to having any imaginable book
virtually at my fingertips that on the one or two occasions when
paperbackswap didn't have a book I wanted I just bought a used one
at amazon.com.  I've also figured out that I'll have to have some sort
of part-time job for the rest of my life just so I can continue buying
exotic/eclectic grains from http://www.bobsredmill.com/ and
wonderful fresh spices (and teas) from http://www.sfherb.com/

So, tell me what's up with you?  What's your favorite website?
What's your hobby?  Come on, give...  I'm waiting.    :)


Don's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html
Lisa's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/lfefo.html

Our personal news page.

Don at myspace.com http://www.myspace.com/donguitar
Don's blogs.

Lisa at myspace.com.  http://www.myspace.com/81825549
Lisa's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/dirtgoddess

Section One by Don.

Is it a blog?  Is it a plain plane?  Um, well, I don't know,
it's sort of odd.  http://projectmouse.org/

Are you 'into' online shopping for clothes?

Kids stuff from the American Legion.

Poll: Where do you stand on digital media ethics?

Don Edrington,  PC columnist for The Californian and
San Diego's North County Times is known as the
"Senior Computer Tutor".   http://www.pcdon.com/

If you're interested in PC based recording this site will be a terrific
resource for you.   http://audiominds.com/

Ronni Bennett's blog on aging is both less and more than an ordinary
blog and she's one terrific lady.   http://www.timegoesby.net/

Now for a little music.   http://www.slacker.com/

Ray Pettit's photo galleries at pbase.com.

Roll your own social network.   http://simplemachines.org/

Building a simple chicken coop might not sound like a
big deal but Tony Hayden made an adventure of it.

I'm not a Texas Hold'em junky.  If you are, this is for you.

I don't know anything at all about Gerald Oskoboiny but his website
looks interesting.   http://impressive.net/people/gerald/

A search engine for serious knowledge adventurers.

Ok, whadeveryouwanna, you might start here.

This one seems to be about random images with lots of pretty
girls thrown in.   http://www.viewimages.com/

An employment engine.   http://www.workthing.com/

Creepy Asimo is a robot (video).
More videos.   http://www.maniacworld.com/

End of Section One. 

This publication is only mailed to verified
double opt-in subscribers, and is brought
to you by me, Don Crowder, my wife,
Lisa Miller, and //www.freelists.org

Section Two by Lisa

I was interested in creating a PDF document and had OpenOffice
office suite.  It's a very simple process with Open Office Writer,
with lots of help files.    For those of you with a high-speed
connection, here's a YouTube video showing just how to do it.

Here are some more costless apps that create PDFs.

Interested in Latent Print Examination?  Who isn't?

What were the rations of Civil War soldiers?

The Online Journalism Review.   http://www.ojr.org/

A basic business invoicing system, recommended by Lockergnome.
Includes video tutorials.   http://www.binarema.com/volutive.html

A promising-looking webmaster help site, I subscribed
to the newsletter, I'll let you know how I like it.

The country of Kerala ousts Microsoft.

WikiBooks.org, a collection of books anyone can edit.

The Final 9-11 Commission Report.

Online Literature with more than 2000 classic texts. 

A Table of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad.

Study Guides and Strategies.   http://www.studygs.net/index.htm

Picasa is now available for Linux.   http://picasa.google.com/linux/

Some people now pick baby names with available URLs.

The United States Copyright Office.   http://www.copyright.gov/

A very good open letter on Craigslist.

End of Section Two.

At the time this issue was posted,
the current subscriber count for
this publication was 386.

This issue's collection of news,
magazine, and/or informational
sites (chosen for maximum
diversity regardless of "spin" ).

Section Three by Don.

I enjoyed my visit to Dale Nurden's site.

Goodies for most versions of Windows.   http://www.leeos.com/

Singer/Songwriter Michael Johnson.   http://www.mjblue.com/

FetchYahoo is a Linux app but the Related Links section points to
at least one Windows analog.   http://fetchyahoo.twizzler.org/

If bottled water seems a little ludicrous to you, you'll like this one.

I have to revisit this one every now and then because it's really
kind of cool.   http://papertoys.com/

Jeff Lindsay's site is a compendium of oddness, photography and
pretty girls.   http://www.jefflindsay.com/index.html

It's all about paper.   http://www.thepapertrail.org.uk/

This too is about paper.   http://www.origami-resource-center.com/

The Style Contest: For Movable Type, TypePad and LiveJournal.

Worried about rootkits?

Have you ever wanted to ask a scientist a question?

Recycling and learning; a powerful combination.

Origami for geeks.   http://erikdemaine.org/foldcut/
Other stuff from the same source (Erik Demaine)

Online prestidigitation (magic tricks).   http://www.classicmagic.net/

A personalized google homepage.   http://www.google.com/ig

I have special respect for persons who rise above their limitations.

End of Section Three.

If you'd like to help promote this
non-commercial publication,
please forward this ezine to
anyone you know who might
appreciate it.  To spare them
the forwarding carets (>>these
things) I suggest you copy/paste
the ezine to a new email window,
or save the ezine as a text file to
be inserted, or copy/pasted to a
new email.

If you've received this publication
as a forward and wish to subscribe
you may easily do so from online
forms in these two locations:

Section Four by Lisa.

From our good friend Terri, just what you need when your
world heats up.   Or, as I prefer to call it, MentalPause.

How's this for an ambitious project?  A list of every website 
statistic publicly available.    http://everystat.notlong.com

A short history of Hawaiian clothing.

The Americans With Disabilities Act home page.

Primarily A Cappella Singers.  A site that features a capella singers of
all kinds.  You have to do some shopping around, but there are lots of
full-length samples.    http://www.singers.com/

An online tool for vectorization of images.

A forum for people who work with food.   http://www.foodexec.com/

If you're interesting in making mixed tapes and CDs, this is the
place for you.   http://www.artofthemix.org/index.asp

An online spellchecker, up to 20,000 characters.  With language, math
and calculating tools.    http://www.spellcheck.net/

Thousand of true stories about famous people.

How to be a better journalist.   http://www.poynter.org/default.asp

Everything you wanted to know about time and dates.  Put a nice
digital clock on your web page, too!   http://www.timeanddate.com/

The world is all about choices and for some people, only a Mac
will do.  Here's a good site about what's great about Macs.

The Australian Museum Online.  http://www.amonline.net.au/

People and our planet.   http://www.peopleandplanet.net/

Dada Mail is an intuitive, web-based e-mail list
management system.   http://mojo.skazat.com/

Yahtzee is a great old/new game.  Play online or download
to your computer.

A commercial site about Scottish tartans, with lots of
interesting info.   http://www.house-of-tartan.scotland.net/

A site for and about Civil War Reenactors.  Very interesting stuff.

End of Section Four.

Our feedback form: http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html

We welcome all comments,
suggestions, or criticism.
The form doesn't access
your email client (it's a CGI
form), so your privacy is

If you know of a website that
would be a good candidate
for this ezine, please pass
it on via our online
feedback form (link above).

Section Five by Don.

This is a very nice portal site from the Physiology department of the
University of Wisconsin at Madison.   http://www.neurophys.wisc.edu/

If you have the time a patience to deal with a monster site and the
occasional pop-up,there's much to discover here.

An unofficial Google blog.   http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/

Need a timer without downloading something?
Of course if you don't mind the download, Johannes Wallroth's little
MultiTimer is pretty cool.  It's the third app listed on this page.
(check out all the other cool stuff while you're there)

How good is your name?   http://www.naymz.com/

When is a social networking site too far over the top?

Need a website for you church?  (Christian only).

Official statistics on the web from the University of Auckland Library.

Country (cultural) Insight.

A resource for writers.   http://www.writing.com/

A little fun and weirdness from Office Depot.

What happens when an English phrase is translated (by
computer) back and forth between 5 different languages?

Isn't it interesting that one can now run...
Linux on Windows*   http://www.topologilinux.com/
Windows on Linux**   http://win4lin.net/content/
Linux or Windows on a Mac   http://www.parallels.com/en/
Mac on Linux   http://mac-on-linux.sourceforge.net/
or multiple versions of different Operating Systems on the same
computer.   http://www.vmware.com/
and if you aren't confused enough by all this, Linux, Mac and
Windows aren't the only choices available.

BSD is very similar to Linux but not the same (Mac's OS X is
actually built on BSD).   http://www.bsd.org/

Suns Solaris Operating System is now Open Source.

Amiga is back!   http://www.amiga.com/

Haiku is on its way.   http://haiku-os.org/

For old hardware and/or DOS applications there's FreeDOS.

 * Many of the most popular Linux apps are available in versions
which run on Windows like Firefox, Abiword, Open Office dot org,
Filezilla, InkScape and many others.

** Some, but not all, Windows applications can be made to run
on Linux systems under Wine.   http://www.winehq.org/

I don't know how I wound up on this page but reading this little story
brought a tear to my eye.   http://www.tcnj.edu/~hofmann/Cabride.htm

Lew Hofmann isn't from Texas but he comes pretty close to being a
real cowboy.   http://www.tcnj.edu/~hofmann/index.htm

This is a commercial product and we don't "do" commercial products
but I'm not suggesting you buy one, I'm only suggesting that you
look at the pictures and read about it because it's cool.

End of Section Five.

Archives for this ezine
are available online here:

The current issue is also
available on our website.

RSS feed is available via this link.

Section Six by Lisa.

Excellent info on Greek cooking and a well-designed
site, indeed.   http://www.greekcuisine.com/

A world-wide, online community of web designers, developers
and programmers.   http://www.wise-women.org/

Don't Borrow Trouble is an award winning campaign to
help people avoid predatory lending practices.

A showcase for the world's best ads.

Costless online web page generator.  Anyone can do it.

Another great webmaster tool, online CSS menu maker.

A neat little text and code editor with big features.

I was in the mood for Allison Krause this evening.

Effective search strategies, get more out of the web.

Jeh's site is a goldmine of costless apps and goodies.
Thanks, Jeh.   http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/freeware/

eBay items often go unbid because of spelling mistakes.
Find them with here.   http://www.fatfingers.co.uk/Default.aspx

Check out the Black Friday ads.   http://bfads.net/

Good advice and fabulous low-carb recipes.

A new-old twist on turkey, just in time.

Guide to classic American diners.   http://www.dinercity.com/

A short document defined a new philosophy.

Pictures and information on all the birds
of the world.    http://birdix.com/

Prepare children for learning.   http://www.pbs.org/readytolearn/

End of Section Six.

The Linux Corner.

Lots of geeky Linux goodness here.   http://www.linuxscrew.com/

Technical videos.   http://videos.linuxgalore.com/

Dynebolic is a pretty cool live multimedia CD.   http://www.dynebolic.org

Online home of the Linux Journal.   http://www.linuxjournal.com/

A list of the best and most popular Linux applications.

If you're interested in trying Linux but worried that you won't be able to
find an analog for one or another specific Windows software app, this
site may help you.   http://www.osalt.com/  (It may also help you find
an Open Source alternative to your favorite Windows app)

Install GNU/Linux without any CD, floppy, USB-key, nor any other
removable mediaInstall GNU/Linux without any CD, floppy,
USB-key, nor any other removable media (geeky reading).

Our friend Lee Parmeter is the driving force behind our local
Highland Lakes Linux User's Group   http://www.hllug.org/
Here are a few links he's posted to that list.

How to Learn and Use Linux.   http://dearroz.com/

The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide.   http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/

Debian Tutorials.   http://www.debiantutorials.org/

Lisa and I don't watch television so we don't understand how or why
anyone would want to mix Linux and television but if you've heard of
MythTV and think it's cool, this one's for you.   http://g-ding.tv/

The history of (costless) software, short version (PDF document).

Now this is the right way to recycle computer equipment.

A Little Humor.



Tips for This Issue.

Linux Tips & Tricks.   http://www.patoche.org/LTT/

Practical, useful skills.   http://www.gcflearnfree.org/

Online computer tutorials.   http://www.teacherclick.com/

Got modem problems?   http://modemsite.com/56k/

Contributions From Our Readers.
Links from readers are always
welcome and you can even write
your own link descriptions if you
like.  Guidelines are available here:

From our web sibling Patrick Barden.
( http://rrwbushangel.blogspot.com/ )

ReadThisToMe is a free reading service for the blind, powered by
volunteers and Internet collaboration.   http://www.readthistome.org/

What the bad guys have been up to.

This Rube Goldberg-esque presentation isn't in English but it's
pretty cool.   http://producten.hema.nl/

Patrick is a TV junky and loves this site.

He's also found these two sites useful to his scrapbooking efforts.

Here's some cool five-minute-or-less videos.

From our web sibling Jo-Ann (Jo) Burton:
( Jo's site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sharinglinks2/ )

Man enough to knit, strong enough to purl (men who knit).

Atmospheric optics.   http://www.atoptics.co.uk/

The Monty Python silly walks generator.

Much to explore with really cool but confusing navigation.

The how-to manual that you can edit.   http://www.wikihow.com/
Last word, from Lisa:

The Laurence Hutton collection of life and death masks.

Famous firsts by American women.

The culture of science in fiction & fact.   http://www.lablit.com/

From web sibling and old friend Kenneth Hale.

Ray Charles jamming with Jerry Lee Lewis and Fats Domino.

Have you ever seen an albino Peacock?

All sorts of Christmas seasonal information from northpole.com.

From our web sibling John Lepse.
( John's blog: http://hucknjim.blogspot.com/ )

"The Things They Carried":  a New York Times book review by
Robert Pinsky.   http://Things-Carried.notlong.com

Audio books, podcasts and video you can learn from.

Stayin' Alive:  A kidney dialysis/transplant diary.

The music home of NPR.   http://www.npr.org/music/

This a vocabulary game and a good one.  Patrick Barden
mentioned it in our last issue and John missed it but he
saw it in another ezine.  Patrick, myself and John all had
a top score of 45.  Lisa played it for a couple of hours and
got as high as 49 ("I swan, she's so competitive!").
Now it's your turn folks.  http://freerice.com/

From our friend Terri Martin-Goin.

Mural Mosaics are interesting things.   http://www.muralmosaic.com/

The Freecycle Network is 4,085,000 members who are giving (and
getting) stuff in their own towns.   http://www.freecycle.org/

Thank you Patrick, Jo, Kenneth, John and Terri.

Last word, from Lisa:

This time I'm ready a little early, and it's a good thing.  There are lots
of things to do this time of year, one being getting ready to bring my
plants in, since I didn't want to mess with a greenhouse this year.
Maybe next year... or not.

I hope Thanksgiving finds you counting your blessings.  We count our
blessings every day, and once a year we give thanks for
mesquite-smoked turkey.  

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all


Lisa's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/lfefo.html
Don's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html

Lisa at myspace.com.  http://www.myspace.com/81825549
Lisa's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/dirtgoddess

Don at myspace.com http://www.myspace.com/donguitar
Don's blogs.

Our personal news page.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
11:58 PM CST - Buchanan Lake Village, Texas, USA
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Privacy Policy on our website.

Freelists.org Privacy Policy.

The most important people on the Internet, for you and I as computer
users, are software developers.  The world's coolest computer, without
software, is like a car without fuel.  It might look great, but what
can it do?  It doesn't matter who produces the software you love and
use regularly, the developers of that software need your support.

A bit of advice from Internet veteran Bayard J. Fox:

New computer users are often in awe of the things you can get without
cost on the Internet.  There can be hidden costs for the unwary. Use a
"throw away" email address to register, and be constantly on guard
against giving away personal information.  Use a firewall, and provide
only the barest minimum of information on questionnaires.
Subscription management for this publication is available
online here:  http://www.don-guitar.com/subsmanager.html
or here:  //www.freelists.org/list/donspatch

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  • » [donspatch] 2007-11-15