[donspatch] 2007-10-15

  • From: "Don Crowder" <don@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Don's Patch" <donspatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 00:17:13 -0500

Don's Patch #80 from http://www.don-guitar.com October 15, 2007

First word, from Don:

Mike Rubbo is Olive's 'ghost writer' (he writes her blog for her).
Olive is going to be 108 years old on October 20th.  Here's her
blog:   http://www.allaboutolive.com.au/
Ronni Bennett...
...is hoping lots of folks will participate in her plan to wish Olive
a happy birthday....
Lisa and I plan to participate and we hope you will too.

Saturday (10-13) I met my friend George Miller in Stephenville (TX).
George lives in Wichita Falls, which is about five hours from Tow
(where Lisa and I live).  Stephenville is about halfway between us
which made it a convenient meeting place.  We took in a big flea
market called "The Chicken House" (where I bought a couple of
books) and had lunch at Chili's (which was really good).  George
gave me some old computers which I'll fix up (with Linux) and
give away (thanks George).

Tomorrow, October 16, is my birthday.  I'll be 59 so it's not even
a 'significant' birthday but that's ok, I'll feel better if you send me
a hello, complaint, question or comment. You know you want to
but you keep putting it off so now you have a good excuse.  You
can make your comment and wish me a happy birthday too.

How about it?


Don's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html
Lisa's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/lfefo.html

Our personal news page.

Don at myspace.com http://www.myspace.com/donguitar
Don's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/eldergeek/

Lisa at myspace.com.  http://www.myspace.com/81825549
Lisa's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/dirtgoddess

Section One by Don.

Luzius Schneider's extensive educational and Christian
resources.   http://www.luziusschneider.com/Engindex.html

If you happen to have an S60 Smart Phone (I don't), this is
a pretty cool website.   http://www.s60tips.com/

M.C. Escher's black and white photography is as timeless as
it is incredible.  http://www.mcescher.com/
Here's an FTP archive of Escher's work

Goodies from Vasilio.   http://www.vasileios.gr/freesoft/

Goodies for pocket pc.

PDA and smartphone news and reviews.

Stuff from TeraByte Unlimited.

We're using Comodo's firewall on Lisa's laptop and have been
very impressed with it.  We haven't tried any other Comodo
products but they certainly look impressive.

This clock tell you the time, out loud, in any of several languages.
It's a shame they don't make one of these that will only tell you
the time when you ask.   http://www.lux-aeterna.com/clock/

Need encryption?   http://www.truecrypt.org/

How about statistical computing?   http://www.r-project.org/

Moor produces some very useful things.

End of Section One. 

This publication is only mailed to verified
double opt-in subscribers, and is brought
to you by me, Don Crowder, my wife,
Lisa Miller, and //www.freelists.org

Section Two by Lisa

So far, these are the best HTML and CSS tutorials I've
read.  I'm looking forward to the PHP and Javascript
tutorials.   http://www.tizag.com/

Create and save a snowflake!

An amazing video of animals at play.

Nothing to do? Click and scroll for more of
the same.   http://www.papertoilet.com/

Word Documents can contain all sorts of extra data,
commonly referred to as "metadata".  This costless app
can produce an analysis of any Word document to show
what metadata it contains and 'scrub' the doc clean.

An interesting personal site.

A huge web design resources site.

The history of the 20-mule borax teams.

What you can do with baking soda.

What is washing soda?   http://washsoda.notlong.com

Clean things with vinegar.

Job and resume site for veterans.

Some very nice costless apps from Jakub Noniewcz.

Pick up your email quickly and easily.

Another little NotePad replacement app.

Anti-authoritarian political opinion, research,
news and humor.   http://eatthestate.org/

Sam the Sham and The Pharoahs.  Go to 'Lyrics
and Sound' for some samples.

Big Ben on your PC.  Sounds of Big Ben every
quarter-hour.   http://web.ukonline.co.uk/kpj.jones/

End of Section Two.

At the time this issue was posted,
the current subscriber count for
this publication was 385.

This issue's collection of news,
magazine, and/or informational
sites (chosen for maximum
diversity regardless of "spin" ).

Section Three by Don.

How Software Companies Die by Orson Scott Card.

Smiley Lore   :-).   http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/sefSmiley.htm

In the Beginning was the Command Line.

A pretty awesome resource for teachers.

The Dying Earth is a role playing game.   http://www.dyingearth.com/

Changing Minds dot org.   http://www.changingminds.org/index.htm

News and reviews for Macs, gaming, mobile, chip technology and
more.   http://www.geek.com/

A very interesting view of two different 1 GB data storage devices.  The
larger of the two is 20 years old.   http://sd4.sd-lj.si/diggit/20yago.jpg

Aces and aircraft of WW1.

Want more on WW1 aircraft?  Here's a nice portal.

The history of aviation.   http://www.century-of-flight.net/

Unofficial history of the Australian and New Zealand armed
services.   http://www.diggerhistory.info/

Want to get rid of duplicate files on your Windows machine?

DIY with attitude.   http://www.hacknmod.com/index.php

CourtTV Crime Library.   http://www.crimelibrary.com/

End of Section Three.

If you'd like to help promote this
non-commercial publication,
please forward this ezine to
anyone you know who might
appreciate it.  To spare them
the forwarding carets (>>these
things) I suggest you copy/paste
the ezine to a new email window,
or save the ezine as a text file to
be inserted, or copy/pasted to a
new email.

If you've received this publication
as a forward and wish to subscribe
you may easily do so from online
forms in these two locations:

Section Four by Lisa.

EditCrypt is an edit tool that allows you to export
to PDF, encrypt text, and more features.

Camille Pissarro, Impressionist painter, bio and images.

I've been impressed by SciTE, a source code
editor for Windows and Linux.

Ever wonder what Web robots are?

Costless CGI scripts.  http://www.scriptarchive.com/

Lesotho, a landlocked, mountainous kingdom near the
southern tip of Africa, is a fascinating place.

This one's been around for awhile, but I'm glad it's
still here.  Makes me smile everytime.

Animated flags of the world.

You can find Dave Barry columns here.  That's my
contribution to humanity.   http://davebarry.com/

Maths online, an amazing array of learning
materials for school and distance learning.
Check out the cool online tools!

A part of the history of WW2 we seldom, if ever, hear.

The New Mathwright Library and Cafe.

A hyphenated life.

Completely useless, yet interesting.

Extract DVD clips from your DVD's.

Create a sculpture.  This is fun!

Tools for webmasters and web designers.

End of Section Four.

Our feedback form: http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html

We welcome all comments,
suggestions, or criticism.
The form doesn't access
your email client (it's a CGI
form), so your privacy is

If you know of a website that
would be a good candidate
for this ezine, please pass
it on via our online
feedback form (link above).

Section Five by Don.

Online medical resources.

Where do those medical names for things come from?

A music community.   http://www.letssingit.com/

Neil Young's Film Lounge.

U. S. History.   http://www.ushistory.org/index.html

A science education portal.   http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/

Found things.   http://www.foundmagazine.com/

How would you look as a manga figure, or much older, or... well,
see for yourself.   http://morph.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk//Transformer/

Mix up some celebrity faces.   http://www.morphthing.com/

Images which can be used in high-tech video editing.

"Here you can find the movie Warriors of the net in several different
languages. It is the prefect tool for introducing Internet to novice
users. It helps the newcommers visualise how the Net works.
It is free to download for non commerical use."

Drasko Markovic's pretty darn cool pbase galleries.

Old pictures.   http://www.old-picture.com/

A resource for large dogs.   http://www.bigpawsonly.com/

Amanda who?  Well, I don't know, but her website is cool.

Mnemonics are used to help you remember things.

End of Section Five.

Archives for this ezine
are available online here:

The current issue is also
available on our website.

RSS feed is available via this link.

Section Six by reader Terri Martin-Goin.

Weird auction items.   http://www.bizarrebids.com/

Trivia about everything.  (Did I ever find out how dumb I am!) 

This is a forum for folks relocating in any of the states.

Flash movies, my favorite is "Freedom Isn't Free." (embedded music)

A great site for animal lovers.   http://www.petloveshack.com/

Just in time for the world series.   http://www.ballparksofbaseball.com/

Photos of trains from the old engines to their scaled models.

Photos and information on airliners.   http://www.airliners.net/

Is your dream car is in this site?   http://www.seriouswheels.com/

Out of this world.   http://hubblesite.org/

Who remembers these?   http://www.driveintheater.com/

1-800 numbers for cooking help and more.

Baking season is upon us.   http://www.verybestbaking.com/

This site is about specific dietary problems.

Fall flowers and tips for arranging them.

Tutorials for most crafts.

A crafting resource.   http://www.craftsitedirectory.com/

The low down on baking.   http://www.armhammer.com/

Vinegar uses and history.   http://www.versatilevinegar.org/

Good information on allergies.

Sometimes it's good to know how stuff works.

Note from Don and Lisa:   Thank you Terri!

End of Section Six.

The Linux Corner.

I made a list of live Linux CDs which would represent a
reasonable spectrum of available choices and enable a
total novice to quickly determine which 'flavor' of Linux
suits them best.  The folks at OSDisc liked my idea so here
it is, the "Serious Sampler Pack".  http://snipurl.com/1s60g

Tips for Linux explorers.   http://www.brunolinux.com/

A U.S. national LUG.   http://www.usalug.org/

Serious Linux advocates.

An aging music pirate?   http://snipurl.com/1s60u

A very nice site for Linux newbies.

Yet Another Linux Nerd (Olivier Garcia's blog).

Linux magazine.   http://www.linux-magazine.com/

The best way to get help with your Linux system is to
join a Linux Users Group.
You should be able to find one, wherever you live.
Of course if there isn't a LUG nearby, you can
always create your own.

A Little Humor.

How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?
Two, one to hold the giraffe and another to fill the wheel
barrow with brightly colored machine tools.

Q: What's the best way to see flying saucers?
A: Pinch the waitress.

Q: If George Washington were alive today, what would he be famous for?
A: Old age.

A pessimist says the glass is half empty.
An optimist says the glass is half full.
A Republican says, "Hey, who drank half of my glass of water?"

A state trooper pulls over a man driving a pickup truck full of penguins
and asks, "What's with the penguins?".  The man says, "they were all
on the side of the road about to be run over so I picked them up."
The trooper says, "You should take them to the zoo."  The next day
the trooper pulls over the same guy who not only still has the penguins,
they're all wearing sun glasses. The trooper says,  "I thought I told you
to take them to the zoo."   The man says, "I did, yesterday, had lots of
fun. Today I'm taking them to the beach."

Tips for This Issue.

http://www.geocities.com/~budallen/  (Win 9x)

Contributions From Our Readers.
Links from readers are always
welcome and you can even write
your own link descriptions if you
like.  Guidelines are available here:

From our web sibling Patrick Barden.
( http://rrwbushangel.blogspot.com/ )

These mite be a goad idea boot eye can sea were their
cud bee problems :)  http://www.jott.com/

A 'hard copy' (for real) back-up solution.

Buy a friend a book.   http://www.buyafriendabook.com/

From our web sibling Jo-Ann (Jo) Burton:
( Jo's site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sharinglinks2/ )

Top 10 strangest Lego creations.

Jo says "Gopher Central does a nice job on their blogs and
newletters.  I get a few of them in my email each week."

Kids stuff from Random House.

This is interesting, I tried it, and got mixed results.

Google Maps Mania and Political Arithmetik are a pair of
interesting blogs.   http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/

Baseball hall of fame.   http://web.baseballhalloffame.org/

A humorous essay on holidays.

 American Humor:

The gift of Jewish women's comedy.

The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for Humor.

What Really Happened.   http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

From our web sibling Jerry Fox.

Social networking for senior citizens.   http://eons.com/

How much information is your computer giving to the websites
you visit online?   http://www.spyber.com/

From our web sibling John Lepse.
( John's blog: http://hucknjim.blogspot.com/ )

A Murphy's Law portal.   http://www.murphys-laws.com/

Our friend Jon Reed sent a link to this 'thingy' which is, no doubt,
destined to become a sales gimmick eventually, but it's still cool.

Our young friend Justin Ryan sent an invitation to yet another
social networking site.   http://quechup.com/
(Sorry Justin, we're just too darn busy to sign up for another one)

Thank you Patrick, Jo, Jerry, John, Jon and Justin.

Last word, from Lisa:

As you've probably guessed, we're learning junkies,
never really happy unless we have something to "look up".
Everything reminds us of the wealth of information that's
just within our grasp on the Web.  Today while I was
supposed to be writing the ezine, I've been hip-deep in
learning CSS, frustrated and happy.

Add to that working and keeping up the homefront, life's
a whirlwind and I wouldn't have it any other way.

'Til next time,


Lisa's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/lfefo.html
Don's feedback form:  http://www.don-guitar.com/contactme.html

Lisa at myspace.com.  http://www.myspace.com/81825549
Lisa's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/dirtgoddess

Don at myspace.com http://www.myspace.com/donguitar
Don's blog.  http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/eldergeek/

Our personal news page.

Don Crowder and Lisa Miller
Monday, October 15, 2007
12:15 AM CST - Buchanan Lake Village, Texas, USA
Served by the U.S. Post Office in Tow (rhymes-with-cow), Texas

Privacy:  We will never share, sell, or
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Privacy Policy on our website.

Freelists.org Privacy Policy.

The most important people on the Internet, for you and I as computer
users, are software developers.  The world's coolest computer, without
software, is like a car without fuel.  It might look great, but what
can it do?  It doesn't matter who produces the software you love and
use regularly, the developers of that software need your support.

A bit of advice from Internet veteran Bayard J. Fox:

New computer users are often in awe of the things you can get without
cost on the Internet.  There can be hidden costs for the unwary. Use a
"throw away" email address to register, and be constantly on guard
against giving away personal information.  Use a firewall, and provide
only the barest minimum of information on questionnaires.
Subscription management for this publication is available
online here:  http://www.don-guitar.com/subsmanager.html
or here:  //www.freelists.org/list/donspatch

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  • » [donspatch] 2007-10-15