[dokuwiki] Re: DokuWikiFCK-0.20 released

  • From: steve.paro@xxxxxxx
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:44:48 -0500

I am having an interesting problem with this plugin.  From what I can tell 
I have been able to successfully install the plugin and the perl scripts. 
I am using Strawberry perl on a Win2003, Apache2.2 box.  I install the 
perl scripts via CPAN and the plugin manually.  I have modified the path 
to html2wiki in the save.php file so that it is correct for my install. 
Using the plugin, I tried a very simple test.  Without any formatting, 
'Hello World' becomes '?<p>Hello World</p> '.  I know that I am hitting 
the wikiconverter perl scripts because if I leave the path to html2wiki in 
the save.php file as default, then nothing saves at all.  I feel like I am 
missing something, but I'm not sure what to try next.  Any Ideas?  To be 
fair, this problem isn't new with version .20.  I had this same problem 
with the previous release also.  I had just hoped it would magically 
remedy itself with the new version, but alas...

Steve Paro

DokuWikiFCK is a graphic editor for DokuWiki that provides access to 
many of the capabilities of the FCKeditor. including font selection, 
foreground and background colors, text and image positioning, etc.  It 
installs as a Dokuwiki plugin.

For a full description of the plugin, go to
See the README page, which details how to install the plugin.  This is 
recommended.  However, you can go directly to CPAN:

    perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCK'

This will install all the Perl dependencies, if you haven't installed 
DokuWikiFCK before. During the install, you will be asked for the 
absolute path to your DokuWiki plugins directory and for the name of 
your template directory--usually 'default'.

Some features of Version 20:
1. a transparent mechanism for moving between the native DokuWiki editor 
and the FCKeditor
2. plugin tool for syntax plugins that maintains the integrity of the 
plugin syntax and prevents the plugin syntax from being over-written by 
output from the plugin, where the plugin writes to the browser.
3. support for image (media) directories in multiple installations of 
DokuWiki on the same server
4. disabling of the DokuWiki lock time out popup when you are using the 
FCKeditor; this is tied into DokuWiki's draft backup system, which the 
FCKeditor is not aware of.
5. hidden fixes and code improvements. 

TODO:  In connection with 4 above,  a backup draft system for the 


Myron Turner

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