[dokuwiki] Re: Data protection by login via HTTPS, source code readable only for registered users

  • From: Dave Kliczbor <maligree@xxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 19:42:23 +0200

hey out there...

I tinkered a bit over my previous questions and came up with a partial

Just to recap: I wanted login and session data go over HTTPS. And, to
prevent snoopers from taking over of the session, the session should be
invalidated when switching over to HTTP.

Preconditions: I have configured in apache both https and http virtual
hosts to use the same DocumentRoot and put dokuwiki in there. That means
refers to exactly the same content as

To get login and session data to HTTPS, the following has to be appended
to the .htaccess of dokuwiki:

  #HTTPS for login in dokuwiki
  RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
  RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} do\=(login|logout|register|resendpwd|admin)
  RewriteRule (.*) https://yourhost.tld/path/to/dokuwiki/$1 [R]

It is crucial that the .htaccess with the above lines is in the same
directory as doku.php, else the RewriteRule does not do what you want
and you'll have to rewrite it ;)

To log the user out as soon as one HTTP request in the session is made,
I added a small code block in inc/actions.php, at the beginning of
act_dispatch(), after the declaration of global variables:

  if( $conf['logout_on_http'] === true && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== "on" ) {

Okay, now I'll look into making the wiki source code readable only for
registered users.

 Dave KLiczbor
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