[Debatewise RRT] Re: Remember to vote!

  • From: macmarie123@xxxxxxx
  • To: debatewiserrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 07:59:39 -0400


I'll take,

Should we be tactically voting to keep the Conservatives out?



-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Helling <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: debatewiserrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 4 May 2010 19:02
Subject: [Debatewise RRT] Remember to vote!

Hi everyone,
                        The election will be over on Thursday, everyone make 
sure you get out and vote as it is still the closest election in decades so for 
once your vote counts... or else it might not take a look at 
http://www.voterpower.org.uk/ too see how much your vote it worth. However I 
don’t think it is a particularly accurate reflection for example my vote is 
supposedly worth 0.771 which is pretty marginal however in reality this is not 
the case as it is a Tory seat and the chances of a swing against the 
conservatives is pretty small. Anyhow with the election out the way (excepting 
negotiations for if there has to be a coalition) we will suddenly have less 
political things to discuss, and I am sure you are all sick of them anyway. 
Anyhow in order to make things slightly different we were thinking we might 
have themed weeks which would mean us doing more debates on non current affairs 
topics. So we might have a week on art or philosophy. Some of the questions in 
the RRT would be on this topic – I don’t know how many but I don’t want to 
exclude current affairs entirely.
Anyhow would you be interested in doing this/do you think it is a good idea? 
Also suggestions about what you would like to see done? And if you have 
suggestions for a topic feel free to give me ideas for debate titles too.  
Should we be tactically voting to keep the Conservatives out?
Gordon Brown in today’s Guardian urges ‘all those with genuinely progressive 
values to vote labour on Thursday.’ Asking Lib dem supporters to vote 
tactically to avoid a Conservative government that would be against that 
progressive agenda, but should we be voting tactically?
The war on terror is more about law enforcement and the police than the 
The Bush administration always considered the ‘War on Terror’ or whichever of 
its subsequent rebrandings you wish to use as being in large part, as mostly a 
militarily occupation. Afghanistan had to be occupied to force Al Qaeda out and 
destroy their training camps, there have to be military offensives into 
Pakistan’s frontier territories and Iraq was invaded due to possible links to 
terrorism. However the vast majority of the real anti terrorism goes on 
internally in by security services and police forces gathering information and 
then foiling attacks with arrests.
Animals have a right to privacy.
We have all been captivated by documentaries about various types of animals, be 
they cute and furry or extraordinarily alien. Wildlife documentaries are a 
large part of the landscape of documentary TV. The filming of the wildlife is 
just seen as a challenge and is never questioned, should we be asking not ‘how 
can this animal be filmed?’ but ‘should this animal be filmed?’
Online video rights will be the next big revenue stream for sports events.
Most football matches are broadcast live, but often they are not on TV but are 
instead online. Various sites such as the FA’s official site and ITV have been 
broadcasting them. At the moment the big revenue stream for sport is TV through 
the advertising commercial broadcasters get. However as people begin to watch 
their sport through different mediums, particularly the internet this is bound 
to change. Yahoo has secured the exclusive UK online highlights rights for the 
English Premier League from 2010 to 2013 in a multi million pound deal, showing 
that this may already be becoming a revenue stream to be tapped.
Debates on site:
Does Japan need US military Bases? 
Ever since the DJP was elected the main foreign policy issue that has affected 
the party has been an attempt to find a renegotiate a deal for a US base in 
Okinawa. This has become the defining issue of Prime Minister Hatoyama’s 
premiership. He has less than a month until a self imposed deadline on deciding 
the future of the base. Japan has thousands of US troops on its soil that it 
pays for, however it also has one of the most powerful armed forces in the 
world so does it really need the US troops at all? 
Offshore drilling should be banned.
The dangers to the environment of offshore drilling has been highlighted by a 
blowout on the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico leaking hundreds of 
thousands of gallons of oil into the sea where it could cause an environmental 
catastrophe. This comes only a few days after President Obama conceded that 
there could be much more drilling off the coast of the USA, a policy that was 
already under fire from his own party. 
Do papers declaring their support for a party have an impact?
Britain’s papers have normally been partisan even between elections and they 
get even more so during an election where they declare their support for a 
particular party. Even if this is less the case than it used to be with papers 
trying to show a bit more independence their leanings are still usually pretty 
much. As it is usually obvious which party a paper will support does it matter 
if they declare who they are supporting? And when they do change their support 
do they really bring their readers with them?
Britain has become a more open minded place.
Labour may be leaving the country in dire financial straits and not changed 
public services as radically as they might have done but whether it was caused 
by them or not Britain has probably become more tolerant. It may seem from the 
perennial theme of election campaigns that is asylum seekers and economic 
migrants that nothing changes. However this masks that most worry is about 
migrants from Eastern Europe rather than worries about people of a different 
colour, Eastern Europeans are simply a worry because they appear to be taking 
jobs and arrived so suddenly but within a short time if they stay they will be 
integrated. On various other areas Britain is more tolerant; of gays, of other 
races and generally of other religions – even if there are worries and linking 
of Muslims and terrorism.

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