[ddots-l] east west ministry of rock

  • From: "Len Viljoen" <len@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 11:06:55 +0200

hi all. i previously read in a post on this list that the east west
instruments are completely inaccessible. Then i also read that annabell uses
axife mouse recorder to record the mouse clicks necissary to perform actions
in the plugin. So i purchased the plugin intending to use the axife mouse
recorder to make the plugin work for me. However i decided to give
hotspotclicker a try and guess what? I have made a few hotspots and they
work without any trouble. I haven't explored the finer settings and
parameters in east west but i can load instruments and as far as i'm
concerned that's most important. I will try and get the channel source and
output menus to work today. One does need sighted assistance to place the
mouse on the specific buttons and controls but it is by no means
inaccessible. I did find that when i create the spots i have to use absolute
screen co-ordinates. I don't know if that might cause problems later on if i
for instance change to another computer but for now it's a working method.
Hope someone finds this useful.

kind regards

Len Viljoen

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