[ddots-l] SV: Re: What softsynths do you recommend for trance/dance/techno music?

  • From: "Henrik Leander" <henrik.leander@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 11:04:34 +0200

Hi guys! Someone mentioned Korg Legacy collection. I only tried it with
Sonar 4 some year ago, and it seemed quite different from most soft synths I
I could only change the presets through the external Korg software. I could
play on the keyboard and record from the soundcard as an audio track but I
couldnt even get it to play the midi notes through Legacy. I could see it in
my output list but it didnt make any sound at all. I didn't spend too much
time on it though.
Is it more accessable nowadays? Or are there any special setings that I
should be aware of?
cheers /Henrik

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